Several weeks ago my ninety year old Mexican grandfather was admitted to the hospital. His body began to shut down. Those that were able went to visit him and say their goodbyes. My grandfather started planning his funeral. We were all coming to grips with the fact that he would not be with us for much longer. He had lived a long, faith filled, happy life.
And then, miraculously he began to improve dramatically. In his wonderful humor he joked, “I couldn’t go because I didn’t have my passport and they wouldn’t let me in.” (Remember he is Mexican!)The next week my children and I were able to take a planned trip to Utah and see him again, taking pictures, visiting, talking, laughing. I’m so grateful my children are able to know their great-grandparents.
I am also thankful to a daughter who wanted to know more about her family history. Bon Bon (14) is compiling a book about her ancestors. She is gathering timelines and dates, pedigree charts, and personal stories and information about them. As part of her project she sent a questionnaire to each of her grandparents and great-parents asking them memorable questions.
It has been so fun to read their answers in their own handwriting – from grandpa’s doctor scribbles to great-grandmother’s steady even hand. What a treasure they are!
In The Family: A Proclamation to the World it states, “The divine plan of happiness enables family relationships to be perpetuated beyond the grave. Sacred ordinances and covenants available in holy temples make it possible for individuals to return to the presence of God and for families to be united eternally. . . Extended families should lend support when needed.”
Where would we be without our ancestors? Who can measure the influence their decisions, their examples have had on our lives?
Expanding on my daughter’s questionnaire my craft for this blog hop is a memory booklet to make and send to your grandparents or great-grandparents so you too can have handwritten memories to keep.
First you’ll need to download and print the pages in the pdf file Family History Questionnaire. It is made to print double sided. My printer has this capability. If yours doesn’t then just print the even pages first, flip the paper over and print the odd pages on the blank sides.
You’ll also need pretty scrapbook paper for the cover, some twine, and a hole punch.
Trim the scrapbook paper to 8.75 x 11.25 inches, a little larger than the questionnaire papers.
Fold the questionnaire and scrapbook cover in half. Line them up and punch four holes down the fold with the hole punch.
Cut two 15 inch lengths of twine. Pull the ends through the holes from the front to the inside as seen in the photo above.
Thread the bottom piece up through the top hole as pictured.
Then thread the top piece through the bottom hole. If you flip the booklet over the thread should look like the picture below.
Tie the ends together in a square knot, clip the extras, and voila! you have a booklet to send to someone to gather their memories.
Link up your craft or activity ideas that go along with the Proclamation! Scroll down to see what you could win.
© 2007-2010 Chocolate on my Cranium, LLC all rights reserved
This a great craft…and the prizes! Top knotch as always!
What an awesome opportunity! 
love this homemade idea. my one granddaughter gave us a published book along these same lines and had us continue to write in it….about ourselves. I treasure seeing my mom’s handwriting in a font another daughter had made for each of us after mom’s death. Mom would have loved it!
I love this. What an amazing idea!
What a sweet story! Thanks for sharing the booklet. Now to get my family to play along
I love the memory book, what a great idea!!
The questionnaire idea is wonderful. I keep pestering my parents to write down stories of their ancestors so they aren’t lost (I have no grandparents left) and they are pokes. I think a questionnaire booklet might just be the idea to keep those memories alive! Thank you!
Awesome! Family history is the best. It’s so fun to read (and especially HEAR) memories from ancestors.
Awesome, as always! Love the story of your grandfather. Great craft idea, as well.
Love this idea and will use it for our grandparents. Thanks!
You have such a wonderful family, I enjoy reading your blog so much. I love the booklet idea!
I love the questionaire booklet idea. I am going to have to do this. sadly My grandparents have passed away. but I plan on sending to my parents and In laws.
I love the wooden carved proclamation. I will have to get working on my craft.
I love that picture of your grandparents, they looks so happy!!
I’ve been so lucky. My grandparents, great-grands, and great-greats all wrote their family histories (well not ALL, but quite a few) before they died. It is a wonderful gift to have.
That is a really cool idea! I have been thinking lately about how little I know about my parents before they were my parents. Or about any other ancestors. This would be a fun family reunion activity as well! Thanks for the idea!
This is so much cooler than the book I have.
I love it! I wish I had done this with my mom. I guess I’ll have to send this to my dad and the in-laws.
Love it as a family reunion idea. We may have to use this at the next one!
I gave my parents books a couple of years ago for Christmas. I don’t think they’ve written anything though…I think I’ll have to take more action.
WHAT A GREAT IDEA!!! And a beautiful story of you Grandpa!
Fantastic idea, thanks for providing the pages for us!
I just downloaded the questionnaire and can’t wait to use it. Thanks for sharing!
Super cute! I printed it off and will use it asap. I need to start working on my family history again.
Such a great idea. My kids have 4 great grandmothers and 2 great grandfathers still alive. This will be ab amazing tool for us.
I like this one! Maybe a good stocking stuffer