Every year we take December off from our usual scholarly studies to focus on Christmas School. In the past we have done Christmas carols, Names of Christ, Christmas Symbols, etc. I also like to throw in some fun mini units about snowflakes, or hot chocolate, or gingerbread. This year we will be doing two […]
Archives for November 2010
Just another shameless plug
THANK YOU, THANK YOU to all who have taken advantage of the sales going on at our etsy shops! We have a big pile of packages ready to go out in the mail tomorrow. This is just a reminder that the 20% off sale ends tonight 11pm PST. And for my readers if you enter […]
Thanksgiving Silhouettes
Thanksgiving, when celebrated with Mr. Ferrero Rocher’s side of the family is never a small affair. We had 42 people for dinner with three families missing. One was sick with the flu, another went to St. George, UT, and another stayed in Washington. Aside from spending time with family, I look forward to the delicious […]
Life. It has a way of changing course, twisting and turning, up and down, and even loop-de-looping. It’s a good thing we are adaptable creatures. Oh yes, we are adaptable, even though sometimes we stubbornly wallow in the mire of self-pity not wanting to accept change. We cannot stop the inevitable from occurring. We can, […]
Support Handmade Sales
For those who like to support handmade, especially during the holidays, I thought I’d let you know that we are having a 20% off sale in all of our etsy shops. And just for my readers, if you use the code CHOCOLATE10 during checkout in any of the shops you’ll get an additional 10% off. […]
Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays. A day to gather with friends and family, offering thanks for the bounteous blessings received throughout the year. Another reason it is one of my favorites is on November 28, 1985, Thanksgiving Day, one day after my eighth birthday, I was baptized. I love to reflect […]
College Bound
Sorry this is posting so late today. I meant to have it done last night but ran out of time. Woke up this morning to a blizzard and while I was studying my scriptures before the rest of the house got up the power went out. I finished studying by lantern light which was fun, […]
It pays to buy the good stuff
I remember my 13th birthday very well. My Tia Chacha was visiting from Utah. She took me shopping for clothes At The Gap. I’d never even set foot in that store before – knowing the clothes were expensive. I couldn’t believe she was going to spend all that money on me. Up to this point […]
The games people play
I am not a girly girl. Give me dirt, skinned knees,and sweaty gym clothesovermanicures, plucked eyebrowsand long soaks in the tubany day. I am getting better, though.I love a good pair of dangly earringsfancy braided or twisted locksand even wear an occasional skirton a day other than SundayGASP! I do?Oh yesI enjoy it, too. My […]
Peach County
Ever heard of Fort Valley, Georgia? No? How about Byron, then. Still no? Not surprised. They’re just small tiny towns smack dab in the middle of Georgia. Let’s go a little bigger. How about Warner Robins? Robins Air Force Base is there so some of you might have heard of it. Macon. Ahh…most have heard […]
Oreo, Motts & Spic and Span
Nicknames. They can be good. They can be bad. My husband is notorious for using nicknames in his family. I think just about every person has a nickname that was chosen by him. They just fit so well that others pick them up and, voila! someone has a new nickname. Nicknames are a must and […]
More Miami Memories
Other memories from Miami before I move on to Georgia. ○ Racing my dad with my siblings around the perimeter of the house. He bet that if we beat him we’d each get some money. My little brother barely beat him. We were so excited! ○ Drive-thru convenience stores. Similar to fast food stores, you […]
Christmas Magic
The year was 1985. Our decorations were few, limited to a wooden tree that was placed on top the piano (that’s all I can remember anyway). As children we knew there wouldn’t be many gifts. There wasn’t enough money. But we were going back to Utah to be with grandparents, and uncles, and aunts, and […]
I believe that every person that comes into your life comes for a specific reason. Sometimes we don’t know until years later why we had certain associations that lasted only a few months or just a year or two. All who have touched my life – for good or bad – have helped to make […]
Me and Music
Music has always played a big part of my life. Some very early memories include singing “Naranja Dulce” “Los Pollitos” and other Spanish tunes. I wore out our cassette tape and book of Let’s Sing Together. I loved looking at the illustrations as I sang along to the tape. My own children have worn out […]