What fictional character do you identify the most with? I put this question to my older girls asking them what fictional character I remind them of the most. Here’s how the conversation went down {to the best of my memory}. Bon Bon: Ma. Semisweet and Brownie: Ma? Bon Bon: Yeah, you know Ma Kettle. Me: […]
Archives for January 10, 2012
What fictional charactor do your identify the most with?
That’s the question you need to answer for tomorrow’s Wordfull Wednesday.Think about it, write a post, then come back tomorrow and link up! (Thanks to Jaime for the idea!) I’ll announce the winner of December’s Wordfull Wednesday prize tomorrow! © 2007-2011 Chocolate on my Cranium, LLC all rights reserved © 2007-2013 Chocolate on my Cranium, […]