Every once in a while I take a look at my blog’s Google analytics to see what people searched to land them on my blog. It can be pretty funny! Here are some of my favorites from this past month. Most are linked directly to the page the query sent them too. Others have a bit of commentary.
- wetbacks hamburger fritos – this query took people to the recipe for Mexican Haystacks
- when did victor kiam say “even if you fall on your face” – I have no earthly idea why it took them to the page it did
- http://chocolateonmycranium.blogspot.com – searched for it because typing it into the address bar would be too hard
- children make bed
- chocolate homeschool blogger
- elspeth young – She’s lovely and a talented painter!
- ‘hope of god’s light’
- anne shirley tomb
- count your blessings and eat that chocolate – oh yeah! I like to do that every day. 🙂
- gibbs ancestors Hmmm….long lost cousins out there?
- worthen mormon council bluffs – more long lost cousins?
- i want to be kind to everyone for that is right you see
- weight gain pregnancy blogspot – Yup, that’s me. Ha!
- +can a king sized sheet work as a tablecloth on a large table
- argyle glasses
- constance savery -obituary -arrest – WHAT?? And it took them to my homepage!
- yes,im worried about socialization thats why i homeschool – Hahaha! Apparently they aren’t worried about correct punctuation though.
- l tom perry eating chocolates in order – Hey, I want to be there if Elder Perry does that!
Maybe some of these aren’t funny to you but they sure had us in stitches!

hahaha I need to check mine and see what funny little gems I can find! 🙂
I love the “chocolate homeschool blogger”! Thanks for sharing!
It’s always so interesting and funny, isn’t it?
With a blog name like mine I get a lot of weird ones too. I didn’t know so many people were worried about worms in yogurt.
Love the one about the arrest and obituary, how random is that?
Love your editorial comment about correct punctuation!!!
Those are hilarious!
ha I had a friend with a brain tumour and she had blogged about it and its removal and her scar etc. she saw that people found her blog by googling ‘I’ve cut my head open what do I do?” She blogged I hopped they went right to the hospital and didn’t get caught up in her blog and whatever else came up in their google search 🙂
These were so funny!
Awesome, pure awesome! 🙂