Wait, what? Two giveaways in a row? Yes! I knew when I reviewed this book that I wanted to give one away because it is that good for helping families. But, I’m getting ahead of myself. Want to know who won? Look here! My hope is that anyone who visits this blog realizes how much […]
Archives for January 2015
The Humble Apron
On the heels of last week’s post, Moms Should Dress for Success, this week it’s all about . . . Aprons The word conjures up images of grandmother or mother baking in the kitchen or doing housework. Gathering eggs, wood, or flowers. Or bringing in the garden’s bounty. It brings to mind days of yore […]
Welcome to our Homeschool – Beehive Academy
Our family has been using Sonlight Curriculum for the past eight years. We LOVE the literature and history emphasis! Sonlight is celebrating their 25th anniversary by hosting a blog party on the 25th of each month throughout the year.You don’t have to use Sonlight to join in on the party! I decided to participate to […]
Moms Should Dress for Success
It was lunchtime. The temperature on that mid-August day was sweltering at 105. It was all hands on deck as harvest on the third crop of alfalfa was fully underway. My job was to feed the extra farm crew, a couple of Mr. Ferrero Rocher’s brothers and several nephews. And, boy, were they hungry! It […]
The Conductor
There is no doubt that Junior Mint loves music. He likes to dance and hum when we are listening to music but when someone is playing the piano he especially loves to conduct. Yesterday a kind lady in our ward took this video of Junior Mint “conducting” while I played the prelude music before Relief […]
Establish a House – A Home Making Series
Establish a House will be coming back in full force starting next Wednesday, January 21st!!! I began this series after a discussion in a facebook group about whether or not their families used tablecloths. I wrote a post about what we do and the response was overwhelming. It was so interesting to see what other […]
This past month or so I have realized I need to focus more on my family and home. Even as we face new adventures with the older ones leaving the nest for college or getting married it’s time to reassess and refocus. There will be a lot of organizing this year as a result of […]
Have you ever heard of accreta? Basically its when the placenta begins to attach itself abnormally to the uterine wall. The worst form of accreta is called percreta where the placenta actually penetrates through the uterus and attaches to other organs such as the bladder. It is a very dangerous condition and my friend Jen […]
We’re moving into a new kitchen!
It’s a new year and I’ve been contemplating and thinking about changes I need to make in all areas of my life. And a post about that will come soon, I hope. But we have a BIG major change going on at our house right now that is taking up a lot of time and […]
An engaging Christmas Eve . . .
Some observant readers noticed a new person in our family’s Christmas celebrations. See the blondie on the far left? He and Bon Bon have known each other for a year now, having met at BYU-Idaho. He did come visit in the summertime but at that time they were just “friends.” They started to seriously date […]