Twelve more days until Easter! I love celebrating with my family, dying eggs, crafting, reading scriptures, etc. This year we created Easter pop-up cards to send to family and friends.
Pop up cards are simple to do but the “wow” factor makes them extra special. To begin gather these supplies.
- Cardstock for the card
- Scrapbook paper for the outside of the card
- Empty Tomb, Hallelujah, and He is Risen printables (download button below)
- scissors
- glue
Start by folding the cardstock in half. Ours is 5.5 by 8.5 or half a sheet of regular cardstock. Place the empty tomb picture on the card. We are measuring where to put it because we don’t want it to stick out the end when the card is folded. Draw two parallel lines the same length down to the pop up picture.
Cut down the lines you drew. This part of the card will be pushed in to the card to create a spot to glue your picture, in our case the empty tomb. The outside of the card will have a “hole” where this part of the card was pushed in. This will be covered later so don’t worry!
Glue the empty tomb to the bottom of the pop up part.
Add any embellishments you want to the inside of the card. I chose to be simple and just added “He is Risen”.
Now glue the back of your card (the outside) to the back of the scrapbook paper you chose for the outside of the card. DO NOT PUT GLUE on the pop up piece of cardstock. If you do you will no longer have a pop up card. 🙂
Once it is dry trim the scrapbook paper down to the size of the card and fold in half. Embellish the outside however you want. I added one of the Hallelujah words included with the download.
Pop up cards are so simple to create but they are memorable!
Click below to download the simple Empty Tomb and several Hallelujah words in various colors to use in your pop-up card.
If pop-up cards aren’t your thing how about these Nesting Easter Envelopes created by Heidi Swapp! Teaming up with and Sugardoodle for the #Hallelujah Easter celebration I get to share this project with you.
Heidi wanted to create something beautiful and sophisticated, as well as poignant and simple. The five envelopes get progressively smaller, each one tucked inside the next, allowing time for the story to unfold.
The outside of each envelope contains a phrase and a scripture to look up and read. Each one represents the message and the miracle that together tell the whole story of Easter.
Click below to download the pdf files for each envelope. It is a large file so it will take some time to download. Be sure to unzip the file to access all the goodies!
Take a little time today, either by yourself or with your family, to create an Easter Pop-up card or Nesting Easter Envelopes to send to friends and family. It will brighten someone’s day getting happy mail like this!
That’s such a great idea. Thanks for sharing!