Simple list today as I am traveling – will be for the next two days. I am also thankful for trials whenever, however they come, big or small. I love this quote from Elder Paul V. Johnson’s April 2011 General Conference talk, “[Trials] are vitally important to the process of putting on the divine nature. […]
Simple Pleasures: Autumn Edition Part II
More simple pleasures I enjoy in autumn. The Harvest Moon over the mountains to the east. I really like this glow! My Pilgrims. My mother-in-law picked these up for me years ago from Costco. I love their humble clothes and offerings. What a great reminder of how our celebration should be: simple, not gluttonous. Drinking […]
Autumn Days
My sentiments exactly!! Say what you will about the other seasons, none can rival autumn’s splendor and bounty. It is my favorite time of year (and not just because my birthday and Thanksgiving happen to be a part of it). And because it is such a wonderful time I plan on having a celebration of […]
Simple Pleasures: Autumn Edition I
Through the rest of October I will be posting some of my simple pleasures of autumn. 1. Beautiful fall colors – photo taken the end of September driving from Provo to Heber. 2. Pumpkin pie spice – I’ve been sprinkling it on my hot chocolate. Mmmm. 3. Crisp morning air. I feel like opening all […]
I Heart Faces Week 45: Autumn Beauty
Around here in the desert autumn is not beautiful. The leaves don’t change red, yellow, or orange. They turn brown, adding to the brown landscape. We like to call it beige country. At least the grass is still green. We do have pumpkins. Lots and lots of pumpkins that we grew in our garden. […]
Easy Reversible Poncho
I love this time of year when there’s a nippiness to the air. It also heralds the poncho sewing season at our house. We’ve been sewing these for years not only for my girls but also as gifts. They are easy to sew, taking only 1 hour for the inexperienced sewer. All sizes are girls’ […]
Spiced Pumpkin Waffles
When I first made these a couple of weeks ago I was worried my family wouldn’t like them. My fears were set to rest however when Special Dark (the pickiest of the bunch) came and started licking the batter from his fingers, over and over again! These are not too pumpkin-y. In fact I heard […]
Celebrate Autumn!!
1. Autumn Leaves In Detail, 2. Blue Door to Autumn World, 3. acorns, 4. Pumpkin Fence, 5. Just Apples, 6. autumn harmony, 7. Apple Pie, 8. acorn rainbow, 9. apple tree The beginning of my favorite season, Autumn, is finally here! To celebrate today we are going to Hang our yarn leaf garland across the […]
Easy Toilet Paper Pumpkin Decoration
Aren’t these pumpkins cute? Call me cheap. Or frugal. But they are made by wrapping a roll of toilet paper with fabric. The girls are wanting to decorate for fall. I was going through our fall decorations and realized we needed some new ones but didn’t want to take a ton of time to actually […]
Fall Yarn Leaves
All week long we are making decorations to use in our autumn celebration next week. (More on that later) Today’s craft was different than one we’ve ever done before but the results as you can see were beautiful! These can be made into magnets for the refrigerator or strung on a string for garland (which […]
Celebrating Fall
The question this week from the Heart of the Matter is: Halloween or Fall? How does your family celebrate? Growing up my family LOVED celebrating Halloween. I remember my dad making a haunted house for the trick-or-treaters in the old barn/shed behind our house in Salt Lake. Later when I was about 10 my dad […]
Thanks and Giving
Autumn is my favorite time of year. One of the main reasons is because I LOVE Thanksgiving. I think it’s wonderful to celebrate all the bounteous goodness God has blessed us with. To gather round with family and friends and enjoy good food and great company. It also helps that Thanksgiving is not so commercialized […]
Wordfull Wednesday: My Favorite Season
I have a favorite memory from childhood. It involves leaves, fire, eating, family, cool weather, work, and last but not least, potatoes. I spent the first six years of my life in Salt Lake City, UT. Every fall my parents, two younger siblings, and I would rake the lawn, piling the leaves into the street […]