I know. I already did an ancestral DNA test with 23andMe. Why did I do one from Ancestry.com? Well, mostly because I am hoping to some day find a DNA match whose family tree looks nothing like mine. My great-great-grandmother had four children but was never married. My great-grandmother didn’t know her father’s name (at […]
Indexing Makes Your Ancestors Come “Alive”
You guys know how much I LOVE family history. Love it, love it, love it! There are a few things that really make your ancestors come ‘alive’ for you and your family and can add greatly to your family history. Pictures You can see where you inherited your nose, or the curly hair, or the […]
My Favorite Things: Family History
“Let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start.” If you are a long-time reader of my blog it’s no secret I love my ancestors! I enjoy learning everything I can about them. Their stories, their triumphs, their trials – all are a part of me. Our latest family history project has […]
DNA, Ancestry, and Who You Are
Genetics is fascinating. What makes you who you are, at least genetically? Does it matter? Does having a specific set of DNA give you a certain identity? In the October 2013 National Geographic there was an article called the Changing Face of America that explored how multiracial the population of America is becoming. My family […]
Home as a Family History & Missionary Training Center
We’ve all seen it. Families are changing. It’s harder to keep the family intact with so much working against it. The National Domestic Violence Hotline says, “Nearly half of all women and men in the United States have experienced psychological aggression by an intimate partner in their lifetime.”1 Domestic violence statistics appear to be going […]
Find Names on Your Family Tree with Puzzilla
My husband comes from Mormon pioneer stock. He has at least six generations of members of the church in his family. And since Mormons are BIG into genealogy his family lines go back for 20 or more generations. We believe that families can be sealed together in temples, linked into one big chain. Thanks to […]