Ready to print Family Home Evening lessons that I’ve posted on my blog. Most lessons are in PDF format.
Since I first started uploading these Scribd has changed their settings making those in the “archives” not free anymore. To overcome that I have uploaded all of these lessons as 4 zip files at Dropbox. These are large files and will take some time to download. You will then need to unzip them to access the files.
FHE Lessons A-C
FHE Lessons D-K
FHE Lessons L-R
FHE Lessons S-W
If you just want individual lessons I will be slowly adding the links to those files on the individual FHE lesson pages as I add them to Dropbox. If you find the one you want is not up yet just e-mail me at chocolateonmycranium{at}live{dot}com and I will e-mail you the pdf file you want.
Armor of God
Attitude of Gratitude
Becoming Clean (Repentance)
Birthdays are GREAT
Book of Mormon Fun
Brother of Jared
Bury Our Weapons…Show our Kindness
Captain Moroni: Title of Liberty
Choosing Good Friends
Christmas in the Book of Mormon
Do it NOW (procrastination)
Easter all Week
Families Are Forever
Fun With Music
Fun With Primary Songs
General Conference – Oct 2008
Handcart Pioneers
Happiness, Your Heritage
Hearts Full of Love
Holy Ghost
Keep the Sabbath Day Holy
Listening to Our Leaders (General Conference)
Love One Another
Luck vs. Work
Ministering Angels
Names of Christ
O Remember, Remember (Gratitude)
Pioneer Treasure Hunt
Pledge of Allegiance
Prayer {1}
Prayer {2}
Pres. Monson’s Birthday
Raising the Bar
Resurrection Eggs (Easter)
Sacrament Meeting and the Sacrament
Satan’s Web ***NEW***
Scriptural Witnesses
Service – The Candy Bomber
Sing-along Christmas Story
Slow to Anger
Spiritual Crocodiles (avoiding temptations)
Star Spangled Banner
Stripling Warriors
Striving to Serve
Symbols of Christmas
The Great Commandment (Love)
Watchmen on the Tower (General Conference)
We Love Our Mother (Mother’s Day)
Had an idea for an FHE. My 4yr. old is scared of the dark. So someone suggested we do a lesson by playing with flashlights. I then thought there are tons of scriptures about Jesus being the “light of the world” and songs to sing like this little lite of mine. Then we will have a flashlight war game. etc. Then have SUNdays. Thought this was a cute idea you might like to use. I will let you know of any other ideas I come up with.
I just thought since you have to come up with a lesson every week you might like some more ideas. Love the lessons
Do you have any great FHE lessons for this upcoming General conference?
I’m doing a lesson on how Prayer Strengthens our Family in sharing time in Jr. Primary… and I quickly came to get ideas from my FAVORITE FHE source…YOU! Do you have any great prayer lessons stashed I could peak at? Thanks!
I do have a couple of lessons on prayer. I’ll go take a look. Do you need them by Sunday?
I’m preparing that same Sharing Time lesson. Can you post any Prayer lessons on the Master List?
Do you have any Father’s Day packets for FHE?
Heidi in Vegas
Hey Cocoa…
Have you ever been to the following website for homeschool ideas?
They have great stuff. Also… have you ever hear of Dinah Zikes? She has wonderful homeschooling resources too.
Like the blog.
I am absolutely loving your blog. I would also like to say thank you too. I too was using scribd but was finding this a little annoying. I just found google sites because of one of you pdfs I hope this works out better for me. So far much better. Thank you so much for what you are doing.
I just wanted to let you know that it was your blog that inspired me to start digitizing some of our family’s favorite FHE lessons. It’s been a fun challenge for me and hopefully helpful for a few others out there too.
Thanks for your inspiration!
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You are amazing! I have no clue how you can be so on top of everything with 7 kids and a newborn baby but you sure seem to be! Thank you soooo much for all the great FHE-ideas – they truly are an inspiration! I’m just grateful I stumbled over your blog! Thank you!
Any ideas on Gardening? Spring planting should have been a few weeks ago, but we got some seed starters for our 3yr old to plant. Besides gardening together, do you have any suggestions to incorporate a lesson?
I like your FHE ideas. Do you by chance have them posted somewhere that I don’t have to go trough Scribd to get them? I don’t have nearly enough documents available to post that would be of any value at all to anyone.
First of all I love your blog and your ideas and appreciate you sharing them with the not so creative like me! I love this “Sundae” lesson idea and would like to use it but I could not get the PDF file to work. Any suggestions. I am not real computer smart. LMK THanks again!
Thanks for letting me know the link to the pdf file doesn’t work! I will upload a new one. Until then just e-mail me at chocolateonmycranium {at} live {dot} com and I’ll e-mail you the pdf file.
I love your blog! I have been visiting it often for a few months now. I am having a problem opening all of the FHE files though. The master list and all of the individual files. Is it just my computer? Or is anyone else having the same problem? Thanks for all you do!
I’m preparing a talk for sacrament meeting next Sunday and I wanted to mention how your blog brought in the most donations for the Haiti earthquake but I can’t locate the news article. Can you fill in the details? How much was donated for the Haiti effort as a direct result of your blog? And wasn’t it the most donations from a single source? And do you have any more recent news to share regarding humanitarian because of your blog (like the international clean water effort?)
Thank you!
P.S. Love your blog!
Liz Campbell,
southern California
Do you have to pay/subscribe to scribd to download all of you FHE lessons???
Thank you!
I don’t think so. I sure hope not! If you are having trouble with an of the lessons just e-mail me at chocolateonmycranium {at} live {dot} com and I can e-mail the pdf file directly to you.
I love your website and the information I am able to gleam from it. My 12 year old daughter and her friend came to me one day and asked if they could publish a website to teach people about being LDS. The site is LOL 4 LDS – lessons of life for LDS
They have done a wonderful job! I am trying to help get the word out. I was hoping that you would take a look at it and possibly add a link to your page. We would be happy to put a link on her page to your site if that is okay with you. Thank you in advance.