I’ve been lax in posting about our Outdoor Hour activities (formerly known as Green Hour, read here for why it changed). Our busy season for farming is now upon us and we are just trying to survive by getting enough sleep! We skipped #14 and #15 because we still don’t have many flowers to press or draw so we are saving those challenges for later on in the summer. We can and did do #16 – Planting Sunflowers. We actually planted a mix of sunflowers when we spread seeds for our “wild” flower garden.
After our very weird and cold spring we finally have had warm weather for the last week or so. By warm I mean the nighttime temperatures are finally above freezing. I was worried that none of our seeds would sprout but with the warmer weather they finally have!
You are going to have a really beautiful garden! I have heard of Sweet William but didn’t know what it looked like. How lovely!
I wonder if it’s too late for us to do a wildfower garden like that? I remember yours from last year and it was so colorful!
Isn’t it amazing to watch flowers grow from seeds? I’m always flabbergasted by the miracle.
I LOVE the pictures of your family on the side bar!!
Do you grow your sweet william in the sun? The starts we got said full sun, but mine are totally fried this year. They did really well when we had cloudy weather.
Your garden looks great- My poppies and sweet williams are on this week! It is so fun to see others gardens- Great post!
Your “wild” garden is looking great. Ours has sunflowers, nasturtiums,and a few other little sprouts…so much fun. Thanks again for the great idea.
I will be anxious to see your sunflowers.
Barb-Harmony Art Mom
Although I love sunflowers and am kind of jealous of your farm life, this comment is a question about your blog customizing series. I have used your tips and really improved the way my blog looks. So, first, thank you so very, very much!! Here’s my question. How can I get my links to connect in a new window instead of moving away from my blog? Is that a customization I can make? Thanks again for all your help!