I know that’s not the kind of title you really want to read but that pretty much explains our situation at the moment. All plans for the day have been sidetracked by two little girls sick with the stomach flu. Poor Truffle and Fudge having been laying on the couch each with their own containers to catch all the mess in. I train them really early to throw-up in a bucket so I don’t have to do any clean up when they don’t make it to the bathroom. I hope that if the rest of us are going to get it that we all get it NOW so we can be done and over it. I hate when we are sick but I hate it worse when it drags out for weeks on end with only one person sick at a time. I also hope that Bon Bon doesn’t get it at Girls Camp this week. It’s her first time camping and she is soooo excited. I hope the flu doesn’t ruin it for her.
I had planned on writing posts today and schedule them for the next week but it’ll have to wait. I know you’ll understand. 🙂
So sorry you are under the weather over there. Lots of good wishes coming your way. Hope your girls feel better soon.
Wow. I hope Bon Bon doesn’t get it:)
I hope everyone gets better soon and that Bon Bon gets to enjoy Girls’ Camp. My Girls’ Camp memories are wonderful.
Rats! Sorry to hear about that. The flu is not a fun thing to have to deal with. Hope it all goes really fast.
Ugh…hope it passes quickly, and that the whole family doesn’t get it. Lysol is your friend!