Here’s a PDF file of this lesson. It is rather large (5.39 MB) because it contains pictures for the Saved From Death story.
In Tune With The Holy Ghost FHE pdf
Here’s the lesson plan so you can see what you’re getting before downloading the pdf file.
In Tune With the Holy Ghost
- What a wonderful gift the Holy Ghost is
- The importance of living worthy so we are in tune with the promptings of the Holy Ghost
- A radio
- Paper plate shakers – put beans in the middle of a paper plate, fold the plate in half and staple around the edges.
- Wordstrips, cut apart, for older children and teens, included in pdf file
- Story, “Saved From Death”, included in PDF files
Suggested Songs:
- “The Still Small Voice”, Children’s Songbook page 106
- “Let the Holy Spirit Guide”, hymn #143
- Prior to the lesson, tune the radio so it picks up only static.
- Begin by telling your family to imagine that there is a serious disaster in the community and they need to get important information from the radio.
- Turn on the radio and allow them to listen to the static.
- Ask, “Why can’t we hear anything?” (It’s not tuned in to any station)
- Ask a family member to tune the radio to a station.
- Explain that the gift of the Holy Ghost is very much like a radio. Heavenly Father has given us this gift to give us important direction and guidance in our lives. When the Holy Ghost is trying to communicate to us we cannot hear it unless we are in tune.
- Ask, “What things can we do to keep our lives in tune with the Holy Ghost?” (Prayer, scripture study, fasting, church attendance, service)
- What are some things you can think of that will keep us from listening to or feeling the Spirit? (Answers will vary – fighting with our siblings, listening to bad music, watching bad movies, disobeying our parents, etc)
Activity – We are going to do a little experiment that shows us how these things can keep us from listening to the Spirit. On each paper plate shaker write one of the things that will quench the spirit. Line up at least four to six people in a row. Give the ones in the middle the shakers. Instruct one person on an end to whisper very quietly “You are special” while the ones in the middle shake the shakers. The person on the other end of the row has to try and hear what is being said. Can he hear it? No! Take away one of the shakers and try again. Can the person hear what is being said now? No! Keep taking a shaker away each time you try the experiment until there are none left. If done correctly the only time the person on the end will hear what is said by the other person is when there is nothing there to quench the words “You are special” from being heard.
- For older children and teens: write and post the following wordstrips: ABIDE WITH YOU, TEACH YOU ALL THINGS, GUIDE YOU INTO ALL TRUTH, WITNESS TO YOU, SHOW YOU WHAT YOU SHOULD DO, BEAR RECORD OF THE FATHER AND JESUS CHRIST, and HELP YOU KNOW THE TRUTH OF ALL THINGS. Have the children locate and read aloud these scriptures: John 14:16–17; John 14:26; John 16:13; Heb. 10:15; 2 Ne. 32:5; 3 Ne. 28:11; Moro. 10:5. Ask them to match the scripture with the wordstrip describing how the Holy Ghost can help them. Read 1 Cor. 3:16–17. Challenge the children to choose the right and keep their bodies clean so they will be worthy to have the influence of the Holy Ghost.
- Share the story “Saved From Death”
- Testify that the Holy Ghost is a wonderful gift and it is important to live worthy of His guidance.
This is a terrific lesson! Thank you for sharing your lessons (which I’m sure took some valuable time to prepare) with us. I’ve said it before, I’ll probably say it a million times with just as much sincerity: You are SO worthwhile! 🙂
Thank you.
I just printed this off and added it to my files. Thank you so much for sharing your hard work with us! Looking forward to more!
I downloaded this and will use it tomorrow. I loved the story and pictures. I will have to look for that CD you mentioned.
I am looking forward to future lessons you share. My ward doesn’t have a FHE packet group. These are wonderful!
Hey, I have been reading your blog for some time now and I love it. Thanks for the lesson. I have been needing a good one on this subject for awhile.
What a great idea! I love finding new and cute FHE lessons! Im so glad I came across your blog! Thanks for sharing. 🙂
This is so great! I appreciate all you put into this. You are just amazing!