This is a really fun family home evening lesson for the whole family, old and young. The original lesson can be found at LDSSplash. I added to it just a little.
Download the file here: Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy PDF
Here’s the lesson plan:
Sundae sign and word strips with inappropriate Sunday activities
Ice Cream
Toppings for a sundae
Other toppings (ketchup, steak sauce , Mustard, Salad dressing, Salt, etc)
Preparation: Tape a word strip to the back of each non-sundae topping. Prep a table with the non-sundae toppings (ketchup, steak sauce, salad dressing, bacon bits etc). Make sure they are covered with a cloth so no one can see them.
Ask who likes ketchup, ranch dressing, steak sauce, etc. Cater this to your family’s taste. Ask for a volunteer, someone who said yes to all those things, and give them a Sundae glass with Ice cream in it. Uncover the non-sundae toppings. Ask them what they would like on it. Question them by picking out a topping they’ve already said they like e.g : “Would you like ketchup on that? I know you like it!” They will reply something like “not on ice-cream”. Clarify by saying “Oh, so it’s good but not on a Sundae?” They should then confirm this. Do this with the other toppings reaffirming that they are good but not on a Sundae. Thank them for participating and say that although there are many things that might be good for us to do they aren’t appropriate on Sunday, the Sabbath. Turn the toppings around and discuss each word strip – why it is not a good Sabbath day activity.
Read Mosiah 13:16. Talk about why it is important to keep the Sabbath day holy. What blessings do we receive when we do?
Quote to read: “The Sabbath is not a day for indolent lounging about the house or puttering around in the garden, but is a day for consistent attendance at meetings for the worship of the Lord, drinking at the fountain of knowledge and instruction, enjoying the family, and finding uplift in music and song.
The Sabbath is a holy day in which to do worthy and holy things. Abstinence from work and recreation is important, but insufficient. The Sabbath calls for constructive thoughts and acts, and if one merely lounges about doing nothing on the Sabbath, he is breaking it. To observe it, one will be on his knees in prayer, preparing lessons, studying the gospel, meditating, visiting the ill and distressed, writing letters to missionaries, taking a nap, reading wholesome material, and attending all the meetings of that day at which he is expected.” Spencer W Kimball, “The Sabbath—A Delight,” Ensign, Jan 1978, 1–5.
Make a list of things which would be appropriate for you to enjoy as a family on the Sabbath.
Closing song: Saturday (Children’s songbook, pg196)
Refreshments for this lesson are of course real ice cream sundaes complete with the appropriate toppings.
The list of inappropriate Sunday activities comes from Spencer W. Kimball, “The Sabbath—A Delight,” Ensign, Jan 1978, 1–5.
This is such a great FHE idea! I believe I’ll be doing this very lesson tomorrow.
That is a really cute idea! Thanks.
I stumbled across your blog and am so very glad I did! What a wonderful resource!
I am so going to do this!
I will have to take pictures and post the end results!
thanks, I have this post as a link so others can see this great lesson and all the great things you have included!
I knew I would find just what I was looking for here. My four and five year old are suddenly really into playing games on the computer. Ugh. Their time is always limited but they can’t understand why we don’t play at all on Sunday. This will help!!! I appreciate your lessons so much.
This is a great idea! Unfortunately, it won’t let me print it/copy and paste and your PDF link doesn’t work! Bummer!
Sooo cute!! This works perfect for my sharing time – – even if it is from 4 years ago!! Good thing the Gospel never changes!! 😉 Thanks for sharing!!
Love this idea! I’m pinning it! Also, if you want a long list of things to do for kids that ARE good on a Sundae, check out my FHE lesson on keeping the Sabbath holy:
I’ve compiled a very long list, thought up over 20 years of raising kids and worrying about how to keep them entertained on the Sabbath. Hope you enjoy!
Thanks for sharing your cute idea! Hope you don’t mind, I copied your idea, but I linked it back to your blog! Fun ideas! Thanks!
I know this will get the attention of our Primary kid and will be a visual that sticks with them. Thanks for sharing!
I love the attention activity for the lesson. My kids are visual learners. Thank you!
Thanks, loved it! Although the analogy isn’t perfect… don’t eat Sunday!!! 🙂
I just wanted to thank you for posting this fabulous idea. I teach the 6 year olds and used the ice cream cups you can buy in packages. The kids can’t stop talking about it. It was a hit! Anyways, those lessons don’t come along very often so thank you very much for sharing your talents!!!
Thank you so much for posting and sharing this. I have been looking for a fun creative way to discuss a very important but well known topic with my YW. Don’t worry my family will be experiencing this awesome lesson as well!