Ah, the humble potato: a worldwide food staple, non-fat, low calorie, never ending ways to cook it, comes in several different colors, delicious, healthy goodness. I’ve listed before some of my favorite potato dishes. I love potatoes! I even used to play with them as a little child, carrying them around like dolls. Now I have proof that my favorite vegetable, my second favorite food (behind chocolate of course) loves me too despite the obvious hip hugging it’s been doing for the last 30 years…
……wanna see?
…..keep scrolling
…..almost there
This heart shaped blemish was found as I peeled potatoes for lunch on Wednesday.
Cocoa you crack me up.
Yay for the potato…we love them too, here in Idaho!
That is just great…
Awwwwww…potato love! Doesn’t get much better than that!
OMG! That is too cute! What are the odds? 🙂
This cracks me up. Taking that photo and posting about it is something only an avid blogger would do. Then all the other avid bloggers say, “Oh cool! Why don’t I ever find spuds like that?!”
I love it. And Relyn’s right. Only a blogger . . .
I love it when food loves you back. You’re so lucky to have such a declaration! Most of the time food seduces you, and then dumps you. (I didn’t mean that to be as gross as it sounds)