..have one of those days where no matter what you do you seem to be the “mean” mom? My children have judged me to be so. I hear by enter the evidence to be tried by a jury of my peers.
Evidence #1: Mom became the alarm clock when said children were not awake on a previously agreed upon time.
Evidence #2: I nixed TV privileges. Too much time on the tube = too little time outside or engaged in more uplifting pursuits + an unusual amount of unacceptable behavior.
Evidence #3: Computer games were also nixed. See evidence #2 for explanation.
Evidence #4: We had bean soup for lunch.
Evidence #5: Messes had to be cleaned up before anything else could be done.
Evidence #6: Extra chores were doled out when said messes were NOT cleaned up or when any hint of complaining was heard.
Evidence #7: A princess dress was sewn for Cookie but not for Fudge. (Cookie’s birthday is on Saturday)
Evidence #8: An apology had to be made especially because “I only hit her softly” and “I accidentally did it on purpose.”
Evidence #9: I didn’t make S’mores for snack time regardless of the fact that there were no more marshmallows in the cupboard.
Evidence #10: I spanked them all soundly and sent them to bed. Okay, just joking on the spanking part but I did send them all to bed…..early!
The above entered evidence did not happen to each and every child but to different children throughout the day, thereby collectively adding up to the charge of “mean mom.”
What is your verdict?
So days it seems that us moms have to be the bad-guy! Hopefully tomorrow is better for you and your crew!
Yep,the evidence is clear. Sounds like a “mean mom” to me. Funny, there’s a “mean mom” that lurks in this house just waiting to pounce as evidenced by the three year old just told to go to bed: “Mom,” said with great dramatic effect,”why are you doing this to me?”
Wow! I can’t tell you what a relief it is to hear that I’m not the only “mean mom” in the universe. I can’t wait to tell my accusers. Sadly, I don’t think they will believe me. Thanks for your wonderful posts. I really look forward to them.
I’m so glad I’m not the only mean mom around. Today two of my girls scrubbed three floors. Punishment for not being nice…and apparently they didn’t learn their lesson the 1st or the 2nd time.
Not guilty – although I’m right behind you in being the taskmaster so I might be a teeny bit biased.
You sound like my Mom! And I periodically accused her of being mean. I also later decided that Mean Moms are the best ones, and now I try to be mean in all those ways too. So far, Monkey is too little to notice that I’m picking on him, but I’m sure he’ll figure it out one of these days, lol.
I posted a recipe that I think you’ll like this evening.
ha ha.. my kids said today you are such a mean mum!!
I stood up for myself and plead my case on why it was not so!!
(they had just had a treat at a bakery and then while picking up a few groceries (10 mins later!!)demanded to have some candy to which I said NO… and they were also pretty badly behaved.. and I said “go on.. go on remind me WHY I dont usually take you shopping” it is the school holidays and they are home.. the man behind me was laughing…
hmmm…. I am not laughing….
Oh, it was one of those days was it? We have those too. Yep, given the evidence my kids would concurr with your kids. I however see the wisdom of your ways. : )
Guilty as charged but I’m so happy to see I’m no the only ‘mean mom’ out there
Sounds like a caring, loving, devoted mom to me. If that makes you mean? So be it.
Awww…your house sounds just like mine! I get unfairly judged as the “mean mom” all of the time. That’s okay…one day they will sit under the same sentencing and have a better understanding. For now, I guess we just have to live with the title. I just realized that your little ones came to you the same way mine did… 6 girls then the magical boy. We just added the little girl after him.
Sounds like a typical day around here. Does that mean I am a “mean mama” too? I like the picture, though. Sounds like an ice cream moment may be needed over there. They always help over here.
My verdict? You might just be the best mom ever. And in a few years, they’ll know it for sure. 🙂 Also, that is a really gorgeous picture of your family. I can’t manage such a nice one with only TWO kids to photograph. Well done, mama.
Cute photo of all of you.
You don’t sound a bit “mean” to me……..=)
Wow…such a HORRIBLE mom! 😉 But I agree with everyone else…those moms are the best. It just may take a few (or more) years for your kids to clue into that fact. My oldest has yet to say that to me, but I’m sure, by the look on his face, he is thinking it!
Rough day? 🙂
Gotta hate those days when nothing seems to go right. The kids feel it too, which is when incident after incident occurs. That’s when “Mean Mom” is sometimes necessary even though not necessarily desired – even by Mom. Don’t worry – ultimately it’s Mom who restores peace and order. It turns out she’s not really “mean” at all!
I think you are not guilty. My mom was at our house yesterday and said that I am TOO nice. I don’t throw away things that are let scattered around the house. I don’t beat kids for making snack messes and not cleaning them up (nor send them to bed early). I never yell (when she’s around). I don’t freak out when they throw things over the back fence DEFINITELY ON PURPOSE (again, when she’s around). I’m not sure what she would say when I have a day like your (that was Tuesday), but I’m surer from what she told me yesterday, it would still be the same verdict. Thanks for sharing.
I agree – mean moms are the best moms!
My favorite phrase to my kids: “Oh, I’m sorry. You must have mistaken me for a nice mom.”
It’s worked pretty well up until my 16 year old son said to me, “Oh, I’m sorry. You must have mistaken me for an obedient son.”
We laughed together. He thought he’d got me good. Until I reminded him that only obedient sons get to use the car.
I’m glad I’m not the only one
First, I applaud you for having the guts to let the rest of us “mean moms” know that we are not alone.
Instead of “mean Mom” my name is:
“Momma Grinch” I even sing a song to it. Want to hear it???
“I’m a mean one..Momma Grinch
I suck all the fun away
I am here to make your life
a miserable one.”
Anyway you get the jist of it.
May bettr days be on the horizon.
I agree that a mean mom is usually a good mom. 🙂 They’ll thank you when they are 30!
yep. You are mean. I am often told how mean I am. I take it as a compliment!
It must have been the day. My boys were calling me mean and I had the evidence to back it as well. They were rotten little angels all day long. Some days are definitely worse than others and some days I can tell when tehy wake up what kind of day it is going to be. But I’m glad to hear that I wasn’t the only one that was being mean. And I would rather be a mean mom than a mom that didn’t care.
Lately, I must confess, I have been a mean mom. The meanest probably! Oh well! Life goes on…
Thank you so much for the wonderful swap package you sent me!! I love the apron, the photos, the calender, and I love the cards you sent!! When the kids saw a package for me they were like “Oh, what did YOU get now?” (cause you know, I ALWAYS get everything for myself, because I’m a mean mom!!) When they saw the beef jerky they all went crazy! Daddy too!! Thank you so much for everything! I really like everything and now I can visit your blog too! I have 6 boys and 2 girls so the bread recipe will be wonderful!
Thanks again!!
mean mom. seriously, no s’mores?!!!
i can’t help but feel relieved that other moms are as mean as i am. it sounds like we’re not alone, either.
one day, your girls will be just as mean to their kids and they’ll thank you for being so mean to them!
You have rightfully (and should be proud to have done so) earned the title of “mean mom”, for sure. My favorite is #8. “Accidentally on purpose”! That’s classic!
hate to say it “mean mom” but i think your girls are getting taller than you!