This lesson will not come in a pdf file today because there are several links to websites and my cheap (read free) pdf file converter won’t convert the links.
Song: We Thank Thee, O God, For a Prophet Hymns, 19
Scripture: “What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken; … my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by my own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same” (D&C 1:38)
Lesson: Pretend that it’s a beautiful summer evening and you have been playing outside with your brothers and sisters. Now imagine that your mom calls to you and asks you to tell them to come in for dinner. You are speaking for your mom, delivering a message for her to your family. Will they listen?
Throughout the ages, Father in Heaven has chosen certain men to speak for Him. These men are called prophets. They teach us what Heavenly Father wants us to know. They warn us about what will happen if we disobey. They also tell us about the wonderful blessings that will come when we do obey. Will we listen?
The scriptures tell us about the prophets who were called by Father in Heaven to speak for Him. Noah was asked by the Lord to warn the people that if they didn’t repent, a terrible flood would come and cover the earth. Noah’s family were the only ones who listened, and they were saved from the flood (see Gen. 6–8; 2 Pet. 2:5).
Hold up the pictures of the First Presidency. Ask your children if they know who these men are. Can they point to the prophet?
We have a living prophet today, Thomas S. Monson. He is the President of the Church, and he speaks to us for the Lord. He was chosen by God and called through proper priesthood authority. President Monson testifies that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and he teaches us the gospel. All the prophets testify of Jesus Christ and teach us what He wants us to do (see Jacob 7:11; D&C 21:1, 4–5).
Hold up the picture of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles.
Do you know who these men are? If you listen closely during the sustaining of the General Authorities of the Church, you will hear that the members of the First Presidency and the members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles are called as “prophets, seers, and revelators.” A revelator reveals, or makes known to us, what the Lord wants us to know and do. A prophet prophesies, or explains to us and makes sure that we understand what has been revealed. (Sometimes he also tells us of future happenings, as when Lehi warned the Jews that they would be destroyed and scattered if they did not repent of their wickedness, and when Samuel the Lamanite told of the birth and death of Jesus Christ.) “A seer is greater than a prophet. … A seer is a revelator and a prophet also; … by them … things shall be made known … which otherwise could not be known.”
This Saturday and Sunday we have the opportunity to listen closely to what these great men have to say during General Conference. What are they telling us that the Lord wants us to know? Do they use stories to help us understand? Do they warn us of what will happen if we disobey the commandments of Jesus Christ? Do they help us know Him better? Do they tell us of their love for Him and of His love for us? When we truly listen to them, sincerely wanting to grow closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, we will feel the Holy Ghost testifying to us that the words of these prophets, seers, and revelators are true!
Additional Activities:
*Watch this video to learn a little something about each of the members of the First Presidency and the Quorum of Twelve Apostles.
*Memorize this poem to help remember all the last names of the Apostles and their order of seniority. You might be able to come up with a better one. This one is due to my late night, need some sleep brain.
First there’s Packer and Perry
They’re really not scary.
Then Nelson, Oaks, Ballard
They teach us of God’s word.
Next comes Wirthlin and Scott
Oh, we love them a lot!
Hales, Holland, and Bednar
What great men they all are!
Last but not least of them
Are Cook and Christofferson.
* Print out this General Conference Packet for each child to do during General Conference. Scroll over iPaper, select Print. The packet was put together by Color of the Sky in My World.
* Make sure each family member takes notes on at least one talk to share what they have learned during next week’s family home evening.
* Learn all about President Thomas S. Monson.
Closing Song: Follow the Prophet, Children’s Songbook, pg 110
i wanted you to know how much i appreciate your fhe lessons that you post on your blog! they have changed my life! i didn’t grow up in the church and planning a meanigful, but fun fhe is something that i struggle with every week until i found your blog! thank you thank you thank you! you don’t know what a blessing you are in my life! i am actually looking forward to fhe nights now! you are amazing and i can’t thank you enough! kristen 🙂
We are so excited about GC…we have a traditional breakfast, and the neighbors are having a birthday party between sessions, which will be a nice break for the kids to blow off some energy.
Hope you are well.
Thanks for posting this packet!!! I am loving that so many people find it useful. Happy Conferencing!!!
I love the chocolate theme of your blog…it makes me want to go watch “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” while eating…chocolate!!!
I had no idea you posted FHE ideas! Yeah!! I love this one!
This was great – I was way too busy yesterday and just handed my laptop over to the 8 yr old.
it was so easy for him to do with the resources you provided.
One funny thing they did was play the game “Don’t eat Pete” but changed it to “Don’t eat the prophet”
Thank you so much for this post. I LOVE General Conference. I didn’t get a chance to do this for FHE, but I am going to use it for our morning devotional.
Thank you! Thank you!
Last night was my husband’s turn to teach and he used this lesson. Thanks again for saving another FHE. =)
I just came across this site and love it! Wondering how to print out the General Conference Packet in this post. Couldn’t find “iPaper” listed anywhere 🙁 Please help! Thanks for doing this!
Hi Yolanda, Scribd has changed it’s settings since this was posted. Sugardoodle has a TON of General Conference packets you can choose from that are also up-to-date with the current apostles. This one is older and doesn’t have some of the newer apostles in it.