My friend Pec blogged about this site (scroll towards the bottom) where you can take a test to see which styles of learning suit you most. Very interesting results for me. When I think of learning styles I usually think of kinesthetic, linguistic, or spatial. I tend to try to fit myself and my children into one of those forgetting that there are at least five other styles of learning. I can see why I loved school and was good at learning no matter what style the teacher taught in. Seems I’m pretty even across the board but score better in music, which is no surprise.
Musical Learner
- likes to: sing, hum tunes, listen to music, play an instrument and respond to music.
- is good at: picking up sounds, remembering melodies, noticing pitches/rhythms and keeping time.
- learns best by: rhythm, melody and music.
The Inter/Intra personal learning styles being tied gave me some food for thought. I think it depends on the project or subject whether I feel like working alone or with a group. Usually when I worked with a group I was elected the leader. That not only happened in grade school but in college as well, and even happened at our caucaus this spring. I do not go looking for that leadership (okay I did in grade school, but not after) it just seems to fall into my lap.
I typically think of myself as a linguistic learner:
Linguistic Learner
- likes to: read, write and tell stories.
- is good at: memorizing names, places, dates and trivia.
- learns best by: saying, hearing and seeing words.
I love logic puzzles, word games, history, and wierd bits of trivia that takes up too much space in my brain.
Go ahead and try the test. I will warn you it is 80 questions long but should only take about 5-10 minutes. I’m interested in hearing what your results are.
I did the test and found that I had three fairly high peaks. They were Spatial, Musical, and Intrapersonal. Those fit me well.
I enjoy drawing, designing and creating things. I daydream (way too much). I have a vivid imagination and am good at visualizing, dreaming and working with colors and pictures. I love those sorts of things!
I love to sing and I’m always humming or tapping something. My dreams often have fantastic soundtracks! 🙂 Even though I don’t play, music has always been an important part of life for me.
I tend to be a bit of a loner, although I find that changing in small increments as I get older – mostly, I think, because I have a husband who is more interpersonal. However, I find I really need to take alone time in my own space or I get cranky. 🙂
M and I took the test this afternoon…very fun. M’s high learning points were musical, body/kinesthetic and naturalistic. I was fairly even in some areas, but the high was Itrapersonal, then tied linguistic/visual spatial, Naturalistic and finally musical. Very intereting insight for both of us.
I think of myself as largely linguistic, but my highest numbers were body/kinesthetic, spatial, linguistic, and naturalistic. Reading about these, this actually doesn’t surprise me, and explains a lot of things. I’m lowest in music. This is really interesting.
Wow, thanks for the post. I found that I have Multiple Intelligence Inventory. Hopefully that does not lead the Multiple personalities:)
I have to say I always enjoy your blog. Thanks for letting me lurk!
That was fun. My highest was intrapersonal and then linguistic. Do you think yours has changed over the years? I think I used to be much higher in kinesthetic and musical. As a kid I was always singing and dancing around when I was doing homework or something.
Very interesting. I took the test and it wasn’t a big surprise. I posted my results. I wish my kids could take it so I would know, but the descriptions make it easier to know.