When I introduced the topic for this week’s Wordfull Wednesday I told you about my fear of heights. It really is my worst fear. You can read about my most recent experience facing and succumbing to that fear here (read paragraph #1).

It just reminds me of the neighbor girl who has a fear of spiders.)
I think this fear of heights has gotten a lot worse as I’ve grown older. I was afraid of heights growing up but it never really stopped me from trying things. Now my fear is so bad that if I even see my husband or children up in the bucket truck, on the roof or even see them on the deck while I am below it sends shivers and chills all up and down the backs of my legs and spine. I have to turn away and not look.
Our deck creates a mixture of angst and pleasure for me. I love to sit on the deck and take in the view in the early morning or watch my children while they play on the grassy hill off to the side. For the most part though I am always afraid that my little ones will fall off of it. The deck has a railing going all the way around. It is so enticing for them to climb it. We had friends over for lunch one day. I looked out the sliding door to the deck only to see their three year old walking on top of the railing. It’s a good one story fall to the cement below. You can bet my heart stopped beating until they got him off. One day as I worked on the computer I heard my daughter scream for Special Dark to get down. She ran out to the deck and whisked him off the railing which he had climbed and was leaning over the top edge to spit on the cement below. I had very vivid nightmares for several weeks after that watching Special Dark go over the railing and being killed on the cement. The nightmares were so real I woke up screaming several times yelling for Mr. Ferrero Rocher to “catch him before he falls!” The worst part was knowing that I am a “dream” person, meaning I’ve had dreams about people close to me that have literally come true. Not something you want to be known for as you’re having nightmares about your son falling off the deck. I have been over protective of him on the deck ever since. Can you blame me?
To participate in Wordfull Wednesday write a post about this week’s topic “My Worst Fear.” Come back here and sign your name on the Mr. Linky leaving the url for your POST not your blog. Make sure to visit the posts of others who are participating and leave a comment. DOn’t we all love comments?
I hear ya.. you need to get a deck with wood that runs vertical!! my mums deck is 3 rows of wood horizontal.. so it is just step up one two and over the edge with you… so it is always stressful for her when her grandchildren are over and every time she says to my dad – you gotta build a new railing!! that isnt horizontal!! because the ALL climb up the railing… to the extent they arent allowed outside the front deck at grandmas and grandpa’s
This is fun to do. I never think I have anything to write about but then it just hits me early Wed. morning.
I’m a dreamer also so my bad dreams tend to lead me to my worst fears.
Heights is probably my second worst fear! I really hope I never see anyone climbing on the railing of my deck.
This is a lot of fun! Thanks!
Fear of heights is probably #2 on my hierarchy of fears. My fearless children often send chills up my spine too as I watch them explore their world and play.
I’m the same. I jumped off a small cliff into water once and thought I was the bravest person ever alive (an old boyfriend’s best friend happened to be watching).
How fortuitous, I just wrote about one of my worst fears. Heights are up there for me though, but it’s more fearing for my children–when I see them up somewhere high, my legs just get wobbly. I’m pretty ok myself.
I have also had ‘dreams’ like those, only mine are more like thoughts. I just KNOW that if I don’t move that vase off the counter, it’s going to fall (for ex), and down it comes an hour later. Anyway, I hate dreams like those. They always freak me out pretty good. Hopefully the one about your son is nothing more than just a dream!
I’m pretty sure that heights are up there with not being able to work. My main fear is ladders! I can climb them: getting back down is another question!! Fortunately, I’m not afraid of Spiders like Miss CountryChick is; poor thing….snakes bother me! ~Teresa~
Oh!! I got tingles up my spine just reading about somebody’s child almost falling and almost dying. So so so scary.
I’m another vivid dreamer, so I know how frightening those dreams can be.
Eeek! Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Also!! what a terrific drawing!! You are so very talented.
I will say I was nervous and thought I couldnt do it for a few mins but hot air balloon was the most peaceful thing ever (except for the horrid whoosh noise of the air every 5 mins)
I would recommend it to everyone it honestly was amazingly peaceful
Wow. I actually did it! I’m so blond.
You know, Countrychick looks just like that when she encounters a spider…….;D
I got chills when I read about Special Dark climbing on the railing……..Scary!!
Heights are not my favorite thing either……I guess my fear and heights kind of go together…….
I’m posting late once again….long day in town.
I can totally relate. I don’t do heights either. Isn’t it funny how fears of our own are magnified when it comes to our children. I would totally freak out if I saw one of my children standing on the railing of the deck… Yikes!