Kids can have some very vivid imaginations. Just ask a couple of my girls – Brownie and Semisweet to be exact. Thanksgiving afternoon all the womenfolk were gathered upstairs in my mother-in-law’s house discussing plans for the upcoming wedding of Mr. Ferrero Rocher’s youngest brother. Semisweet, Brownie and Cousin M came charging in giggling hysterically and muttering something about how they scared themselves really bad playing down in the office. I could tell they were scared because Brownie has this kind of giggle she does when she gets that way. Right after that we women trudged outside to look over some decorations when not one, but two sheriff vehicles came driving into the yard. We at first thought someone had called in about my other brother-in-law who had been a little wild giving everyone a ride in the bus (one they are fixing up to take on trips with their nine children). The deputies stepped out and asked if anyone had dialed 911. They received a call but no one spoke, there was just silence. The dispatcher traced the call back to the fax machine…….in the office.
Let’s back up a few minutes in time and see what was happening in the office, shall we? Three girls decided they were going to play FBI and investigate a murder in the grocery store. One had the bright idea of disconnecting the phone before playing, only just the handset, was disconnected. 911 was dialed and they pretended to tell the dispatcher that a murder had taken place. What the girls didn’t know was that the call was received but because the handset was disconnected the dispatcher couldn’t hear anything. Thank goodness….could you just imagine what would have happened then! Ay, ay, ay!
By the time the officers were done explaining how they traced the call back to the fax machine everyone was outside….except for three girls who were still inside standing at the top of the stairs and looking very pale. ☺
They did fess up, got a stern talking to by the sheriff, and also some pretty mean looks from mama.
Actually I was laughing to hard for that but they did learn their lesson. They know if they ever even THINK about doing something like that again, well, they don’t want to find out.
That’s funny! Poor girls. Guess they got a technology less, huh?
Mom I didn’t dial 911, Semi did!
That was way too funny!! I’m still trying to get over it!
Oh dear….what a cute story, but what a hard way to learn a lesson.
Well, at least they didn’t tell the dispatcher there was a murder…
Oh the poor things. At least they were playing something that required imagination. Just an unfortunate lesson for them. Next time use a toy phone.
How funny! Definitely a baby-book moment (and they’re old enough to never live it down)! Such imaginations! Maybe they can funnel it onto paper. I bet the read will put Nancy Drew to shame!
we did not do it on purpose! O and by the way it was not funny!
That one will be told over and over again for years to come.
Ha! I read that and thought I’m so glad my kids never tried that. Then while nursing the baby I overheard my 3 & 4 year old playing with the phone saying ‘911’ I go to grab the phone and luckily it was ‘921’ they dialed but I still think they needed a stern talk!
I also think your girls are quite creative in acting out their story.
oops…we’ve had this happen twice (not the fax machine tho) with son-three when he was littler. now i keep phones totally out of reach of my littler ones…the big ones too 😉
cute blog, love your chocolate theme…and the kids’ nicknames! 🙂
Them’s lesson’s to be learned every day! I’m a parent too, so this brought a smile to my face.
Oh my word! Those poor girls (and poor you!). That is such a funny story…they thought they’d done the right thing by unplugging the handset! I’m waiting for something like this to happen in my house some day! Yikes!
MOM IT’S NOT FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How funny … I am sure they will never forget this lesson!