Sorry this is being posted so late today. I had a busy day!
The other day I picked up two HUGE packages from the post office. I could barely see over them, let alone open any doors on my way out. My mind was made up to push the handicap button that would open the doors so I could make a graceful exit. To my relief an elderly gentleman saw my situation and rushed ( well, shuffled quickly) to open the door for me. A teenage boy walking in the other double door held it open for me too. I smiled as graciously as I could and thanked them for their kindness. As I thought about the small gesture of service these two men did for me I realized that I tend to dwell too much sometimes on all that is wrong in the world and forget to focus on all that is right and good.
“How wonderful it is
that nobody need wait a single moment
before starting to improve the world.” ~Anne Frank ~
What small, random acts of kindness have come your way? What do you try to do to spread some cheer or give to others around you? Write your answer in a post for next week’s Wordfull Wednesday. There will be a Mr. Linky up for you to link to. You have a whole week so either start remembering or start observing those little ways of giving that typically go unnoticed. And share an idea or two we can do to cause someone’s face to light up in a smile.
Oh, very nice topic. I can’t wait!
The one thing that hits my mind right now are those little cards that you make up with cute sayings and then leave them around the stores, etc. I truely belive that it does make someone smile when they find them, and our kids love to “hide” them! Hoperevo is where I got that idea, and with the holiday shopping and stress coming along, now would be a great time to do them again!
I love your topic!! We need to spend more time thinking on the good. 🙂
Wonderful topic! On that note can I share something that a friend of a friend is doing. My friend’s little baby girl is waiting for a heart transplant and so this other friend made a quilt and is doing a giveaway to help raise awareness for organ donation and for the plight of this little girl. Check it out at – definitely someone doing good for no reason other than to help someone in need.
Hi there!
Good luck with the holiday card giveaway on bloggy giveaways! 🙂
However, if you don’t win, and are still interested in sharing greetings this season…I’d love to have you take a peek at my site and view my 2008 line. You can access the link at
I had a new baby girl 3 weeks ago, so I’m offering pre-designed templates in lieu of doing custom designs [as I’ve limited myself to in the past].
Because of this, you can get 50 cards for ONLY $40!!
If you’re interested, act soon…as there is a 3 week turn-around and December is coming fast! 🙂
Thanks so much!Stephanie
What a great post-election topic 🙂 !!
What a nice topic. Can’t wait….=)
I have declared Dec. 23rd “Hold the Door for Somebody Day”…there is a facebook group for it! I haven’t announced it on my blog yet, I was waiting for Dec 1st, but hey! why not now?