Have any leftover Halloween candy? I’ve been wanting to share this family home evening lesson with you for quite a while now but decided right after Halloween would be best. You’ll need some of that candy to do an activity after reading about Colonel Gail Halvorsen, more famously known as The Candy Bomber. The lesson is about service which I think is very appropriate considering the holiday season coming up.
All through the month of November the family home evening lessons will be either about Thanks or Giving. My hope is your families will come closer together as you realize the blessings in your life and will desire to spread that happiness to others through service. For another quick and easy-schmeezy lesson or activity to go along with this one, read about our Thanks and Giving Trees.
Service – The Candy Bomber PDF
Here is part of the lesson so you know what you are getting. Click on the link above to download the whole lesson in a pdf file which contains all the stories and visual aids needed for the lesson.
Preparation: Make pudding ahead of time for refreshments. Find some long sticks (1 – 2 feet) and tape spoons to them for “service eating.” You’ll need on for each member of your family. Buy small candy bars for candy bomber activity. Cut out “parachutes” or fabric squares 12 x 12 inches. 4 pieces of string, 12 inches long, for each parachute. Print enough “You’ve Been Served” hearts for every member in your family to have two or three.
Opening Song: Give Said the Little Stream, Children’s Songbook p. 236
Scripture: And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God. (Mosiah 2:17)
Discussion: Pres. David O. McKay said, “Happiness is the end, really, of our existence. That happiness comes most effectively through service to our fellow men.
“All mankind desire happiness. Many also strive sincerely to make the most and best of themselves. Surprisingly few, however, realize that a sure guide to such achievement may be found in the following declaration by Jesus of Nazareth: “Whosoever will save his life shall lose it: And whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.” [Matthew 16:25] This significant passage contains a secret more worthy of possession than fame or dominion, something more valuable than all the wealth of the world.” (“Chapter 19: The Divine Nature of Service,” Teachings of Presidents of the Church: David O. McKay, 179)
Discuss what losing yourself means and how this can make you happy.
Story: The Candy Bomber (show the pictures as you read the story)
Activity: Attach parachutes to the candy bars with string to recreate the actions of the Candy Bomber. Tie a piece of string to each corner of the parachute then tie the string around the candy. (see the picture of Col. Halverson’s candy). Experiment with how much hang time you can get from different heights.
Follow Up: Hand out the “You’ve been served” hearts and challenge everyone to perform a secret act of service with in the week leaving their hearts where the service was performed. Next week have everyone talk about what service was given to them and see if they can guess who performed the service for them.
Closing Hymn: When We’re Helping, Children’s Songbook p. 198
Refreshment: Read the Parable of the Spoons. Have your family try to eat with the long spoons, then have them “service feed” each other. Discuss which is easier as you eat your pudding.
This is so perfect for right after Halloween! Gail Halvorsen actually spoke at an ROTC dining out at BYU that T and I went to. What an amazing story…and a great idea for FHE. THANK YOU!
I was just going to comment that I remembered hearing Colonel Halvorsen at an ROTC function. I wonder if it was the same one? It would have been sometime been sometime betwee, 1997 and 2002. This is definitely a fun FHE idea.
What a touching story and we are definitely going to use your wonderful lesson- thank you so much!
Thank you so much for your FHE ideas. I love your blog! I grew up on a ranch in Wyoming and I have really appreciated your photos of ranch life. Alina is one of the coolest people I know-definitely!
Love this!
How very cool!!! My dad knew the Candy Bomber personally! I’ll have to share this blog with my dad.
And I can’t wait to do this for FHE!