Here’s a family home evening lesson that should appeal to boys! Learn what the Armor of God is, how we get it and why we need it to protect ourselves from Satan. As usual the lesson includes all the visuals and stories needed, just print and you’re ready to go.
Download the file here if you don’t have a Scribd account: The Armor of God pdf file
For some reason the lessons are printing really big, cutting some of the images off. The best way to avoid this is to download the pdf file to your computer and then print it. You must have a Scribd account to download the file but it is free. To download click on More (next to Scribd in the upper left corner) and select Save Document.
Cool. I’m going to have to check this out.
I just discovered your blog – WOW! You are one talented and giving person. I am thrilled to have found this gem. Thank you!
This is exactly what I have been looking for for a Primary Activity! But I went to download it at Scribd at it said downloads were disabled. Is there any way I can get you to send me a copy??? My email address is
Thank you for all the wonderful resources you have shared! It seems that downloading is no longer free on Scribd…at least for this one. Am I just doing it wrong or has this changed? Grateful either way! 🙂
Yes, scribd has changed some of their free features. 🙁 I am slowly working on getting the FHE files transferred to Dropbox where they are completely free. If you send me an e-mail at chocolateonmycranium {at} live {dot} com I can send you the pdf file for this lesson and any others you would like to have.