I don’t do New Year’s resolutions. Instead I have an ever replenishing list of goals that I am constantly working on. They get crossed off, shuffled around, reevaluated as I slowly progress on my lifelong journey of self-improvement.
This past year held many challenges and changes, joys and sorrows, but as is always the case hindsight has proved each to be a blessing. The growing pains – mentally, emotionally, and spiritually have been hard and painful at times but the tender mercies from the Lord have helped me to carry onward and upward. I have much to be grateful for.
As I turn my focus to this year I have decided to join the One Word movement started on Ali Edwards’s blog.
“Can you identify a single word that sums up what you want for yourself in 2009?
It can be something tangible or intangible. It could be a thought or a feeling or an emotion. It can be singular or plural. The key is to find something that has personal meaning for you. This is not your mother’s word or your spouse’s word or your child’s word – this is YOUR word.
One little word can have big meaning in your life if you allow yourself to be open to the possibilities. And here’s one thing that is totally interesting: sometimes a word will pop into your brain and it will not make any sense to you right now. Give it some time. Let it percolate a bit. I have often found that our hearts speak to us in very unique ways. Maybe this is a word you need to hear but just aren’t ready for it yet. Again, be open to the possibilities.” life art newsletter jan. 3 2007
The wordle at the top of this post is a list of all the words that popped into my mind when I began thinking about this. I’ve finally narrowed it down to CREATE.
I want to create:
♥ memories with my family
♥ an abundance of love
♥ order in my home
♥ a new kitchen and dining room addition
♥ traditions
♥ a simplified life
♥ a children’s book (finally attempt to anyway)
♥ a sewing area
♥ a healthier, lighter me
♥ fun
♥ a deeper spiritual relationship with God
I plan on posting this word here and there throughout my house to keep me inspired.
What word would you choose?
ooohhh good idea.. link all the ideas to one word for the year.. LOVE it.. kinda like a family mission statement…
You picked mine. I loved “that” talk. 🙂
So love your word. It encompasses everything about being a mommy and a woman.
The word I would pick is “ACCEPT”. As in, accept the limitations of my abilities, accept the need to practice, accept mistakes on everyone’s part, accept my loving God’s forgiveness, and accept my personal foibles. Accept the love around me at all times.
Ali is just as fantastic in person. Great links.
Adore your word. Especially after Pres. Uchtdorf’s talk.
I’m on the same page as you and don’t do New Year resolutions either, just continued self-improvement. I love the word idea though. I’m going to have to think about it a bit…
Love it! I’ve actually seen a lot of Creates lately. It must be a big thing in 2009
“create” is a very good word! Very, very good! I think my word is DO. This is because in the past I have spent more time on DREAM than DO, and in order to progress, I must DO.
This is a cool concept. I’m pondering.
Ramdom question: do you make your own refried beans?
chose “inspire” for mine, which will allow me to choose 12 sub-words each month. One month, I want to inspire creativity, another I will inspire a giving heart.
Inspire. That’s my word..
The first word that popped into my mine for myself was “peace.” I need to be more centered, more at peace with what I am — and what I am not. I need to be more patient with my children and more filled with peace (less with tension) about my work. Thank you for this inspiring question. I really do need to work on making my self a more peace-filled person.
Your word Create reminded me of President Uchdorf’s talk at the September Woman’s Conference. He talked about how each of us has the desire to create within in us. I think I need to go and reread his talk.
Hey thank you for replaying back.I have added a post on my blog.If you are inetersted,you may take a look at it.Also how do i add you into my favourites?
This one word has become our family motto.
Create is a good one too. 😀
I love this idea. I may just have to come up with a word of my own. Have a great week!
I love how you listed what you would like to do with your word! Great choice!
Elder Uchtdorf’s talk about creating left a lasting impact on me. What a fabulous word to choose!
i love it. i just studied that talk again yesterday.
i have decided to focus on a quote this year and to incorporate my scripture study as well as my ponderings on it.
the quote is an old one from president kimball about how in the last days the women of the church will bring other good women into the fold because they are seen as “distinct and different in happy ways.” i am choosing to particularly focus on the happy part of that quote, asking myself if my life really exudes happiness–if people know that i am happy. and trying to find greater joy on a daily basis. so, if i had to sum it up in one word, it would be “happy”. i love your create, though, and have already made some notes from pres. uchtdorf’s talk on how creating can bring greater happiness.
by the way, i think that you are “distinct and different in happy ways.” thanks for your good example.
This word has been programmed in my brain since birth. I always have a need to create. Great word!
Great word! Here’s to a creative 09 for you and yours!