The Freedom of Choice Act is a bill which, if passed, would nullify all existing laws limiting abortion including parental consent and notification laws, partial-birth abortion bans, requirements that licensed physicians perform abortions, limits on public funding for elective abortions (meaning American taxpayers would then be paying for abortion procedures whether they like it or not), and the legal protections given to faith-based hospitals who do not perform abortions because it is against their religious faith. Yeah, you read that right, it would force hospitals run by religious institutions, who believe abortion to be morally wrong, to perform abortions – taking away their religious freedom to choose and LIVE what they believe. Catholic Bishops have said they would close Catholic Hospitals rather than be forced to perform abortions.
And our “esteemed” President Elect became a co-sponser of the 2007 Senate version of the bill. He has said he would sign FOCA into law.
To learn more about The Freedom of Choice Act read:
♦ This article on United Americans for Life.
♦ National Right to Life‘s view
♦ United States Conference of Catholic Bishops – here, here, here, and here.
and to keep things fair ☺
♦ NARAL’s Pro-Choice America view on FOCA
I’ve stated before my views on abortion. Fortunately FOCA cannot be made law unless it passes in the House and Senate. If you disagree with FOCA visit Fight FOCA to sign the petition.
Sonja says
I read about this a few months ago and have never felt so prickly. I’m in sista! We absolutely need to fight this. Thanks for adding your voice.
Michal says
thank you for blogging about this. i have now signed the petition and will pass the info on.
Ritsumei says
When you’re done with the petition, don’t forget to call or write your representatives: Mr. Obama can’t sign what doesn’t make it to his desk!
Homesteader in Training says
That just makes me sick to think that they could “force” religious hospitals to perform such an act. It makes me very angry anyway but that would be horrible. Thank you for the information.
blessings to you.
Sami says
Thanks for bringing this to our attention Cocoa! I am so out of touch with any amount of news that isn’t shared on the Disney Channel, I had no idea. Now I feel like I’ve done my part…now to write my senator and representatives…
water works says
I enjoyed your post concerning this very hot issue. As a Catholic, I was appalled at how many Catholics chose to vote for Obama, knowing his abortion stance. Then again, I am often appalled at how many Catholics and other Christians throw around birth control issues. There is a reliable method, but it requires self monitoring and control. Anyway, while I am not happy about Obama and his stance, all I can add is that at least it’s not Hillary and her stance. But that’s just me.
Karin Katherine says
Thank you for sharing this. I am still steamed by his comment that if his daughters made a mistake (got pregnant) he didn’t want them to have to be punished for it with a child.
Ginny says
I am hoping it makes his desk, it is something that needs to be passed. Woman should have the right, end of story. I find it funny that people are appalled that Catholics may be forced into something. Considering if it isn’t passed, then the opposite side is forced into something they do not want.
I am pro-choice, I have never had an abortion. The only people I know that have, are Catholics. Kind of ironic.
Jen says
Thanks for posting this!