Remember my word for 2009? My goal this week is to CREATE a more organized home. There is a whole list of HUGE projects that have needed attention for some time. I decided this was the week to tackle the majority of them.
Yesterday the girls and I used the divide and conquer method to totally clean out our two refrigerators in the kitchen and our upright freezer in the garage. They are now all cleaned, organized and ready for “refills.”
Today we attacked the kitchen cupboards. We finally found the source of the weevil infestation. Gross, right? Thank goodness it’s just been this past week that we started seeing the little buggers (only on our plates and not in our food). It was a stray piece of hard bread in the cup cupboard. I’m guessing Special Dark threw it in there when he went to get a cup for his chocolate milk. I keep all of our plates and cups in a lower cabinet so the kids can easily unload the dishwasher and set the table. We sucked them all into the vacuum and bleached the shelves down.
Other projects slotted for this week include: reorganizing the bathroom cabinets and linen closets, conquering the coat closet, straighten the fabric and craft closets, and helping the kids declutter their bedroom closets.
If you don’t see me around much this week at least you’ll know why!
I like the idea of putting the plates where the littles can get to them. Do you have a hard time teaching them not to play in there?
All of the cabinets have child safety latches on them except for the cup cupboard. They have fun playing in that one until their about three. 😀
I also put my cups and plates where the kids can reach them. Setting the table is a job a three year old can do…with plastic anyway! ;o) I love your graphic, did you come up with that?
Good luck creating organization- thats on my list too. Have you heard of Fly Lady? I think its, anyways- it really helped me- until I have another baby that is, and then everything is a new juggle. I don’t know how you do so much with so many- but they are darling 🙂
Thanks again for the FHE lessons- we love them!
Great idea. Spring cleaning in the winter so you’ll be able to go out and enjoy spring!
I’ve been at it as well. Last week was the kitchen and bathrooms and this week was the dreaded bedrooms but we survived!
Check out she has some great ideas and systems to help you through the process.
We are planning to do the “spider room” (food and storage room) for Valentine’s Day (should be romantic -ha ha ha)
You are lucky to have older and very helpful girls to get through it.
When I was a girl living in my parents home, we had a weevil infestation that came to us in a large can of chili powder. The weevils were in everything before we discovered the source. Even though I forgot about it until you wrote this, I think this experience was the beginning of my organization/cleanliness disease. I’m rather obsessive and compulsive about it.
I’m glad you’re teaching your children to help with the work. It makes for a merrier time. They will thank you for it as adults.
Ahhh it’s that time, isn’t it?
Spring Cleaning! love it!
Ugh. I’m riddled with guilt after reading your post since I swore I was going to do the same kind of mega-cleaning post-Christmas. Maybe I can get a good start tomorrow when my MIL comes to play with the kids.
Whew – let us know how it goes. Good Luck!
You are inspiring!