Whew! What a weekend we’ve had filled with ups, downs, and sideways. It reminds me of the children’s book “That’s Good! That’s Bad!” For the most part it was good with several bads thrown in to remind us to appreciate the goods.
We took the kids to Fallon Friday evening. (That’s good! No that’s bad!)
We arrived too late to really visit with anyone. (That’s bad! No that’s good!)
The kids were able to spend all day Saturday visiting with cousins while Mr. Ferrero Rocher and I traveled on to Reno to the temple. (That’s good! No that’s bad!)
After a wonderful session, somehow Mr. FR left his scriptures and church briefcase at the temple and we didn’t notice until we were already home. (That’s bad! No that’s good!)
Since we didn’t know about his stuff yet we had a stress free time getting our shopping done. We stocked up on canned goods at Winco and I went to Hancock Fabrics because there was a sale. (That’s good! No that’s bad!)
The fabric store was packed and there were only three people working. And of course, the one who cut my 15 bolts of fabric was on her first day of the job. (That’s bad! No that’s good!)
Because it took over an hour Mr. Ferrero Rocher was able to take a nap. (That’s good! No that’s bad!)
When he woke up he was very hungry (That’s bad! No that’s good!)
He took me to Wendy’s for my favorite combo of a chocolate Frosty and french fries to eat on the way back to Fallon. (That’s good! No that’s bad!)
It meant Mr. FR was ready to go as soon as we could get the kids packed into the Suburban. He raced out of town and got pulled over for speeding. (That’s bad! No that’s good!)
The cop was very nice and forgave us for not having our current insurance card in the vehicle. That saved us an $800 ticket according to the cop. (That’s good! No that’s bad!)
We had to travel the speed limit all the way home so we wouldn’t get pulled over again. (That’s bad! No that’s good!)
All but the two oldest kids fell asleep so it was a nice quiet ride home. (That’s good! No that’s bad!)
Everyone woke up the last mile to the house and saw that out front door was wide open when we pulled into our garage. (That’s bad! No that’s good!)
Nothing was stolen. The wind must have blown it open since sometimes the girls don’t quite close it tight. (That’s good! No that’s bad!)
Several girls had nightmares of “bad guys” coming in through the open front door. (That’s bad! No that’s good!)
They’ve been diligent in making sure ALL the doors are shut tight and locked up every night. And we haven’t seen any signs of mice. Yet. (That’s good! No that’s bad!)
It probably means the mice have found some nice snug hiding places but I won’t worry about it.
Now other good news. Mr. Ferrero Rocher’s cousin and family were here visiting Sunday and part of Monday. It was so much fun having them here!!!! I was finally able to work a little on the computer today and found I won second place in the I ♥ Faces Week 5 Adult category. AND I also won 1000 custom business cards on Design Mom. YES! I’ve been meaning to order some to promote my etsy stores.
What a fun and clever way to recount your trip.
LOL…what a trip! Thanks for the laughs 🙂 And congrats on winning the goodies…are you going to scan a business card in to show it off?
So sorry about the ticket and other little mishaps on your trip! But what memories! 🙂
I absolutely loved your i heart faces pic last week. I would have voted for it. 🙂 If they had voting….
Sounds like things are about the same with you guys:) I remember us all getting pulled over on the way home from a temple trip and that time he was able to get out of the ticket too.
congrats on your second placing for your pic! it certainly was a fun pic!
Congratulations – what a great finish to a long weekend.
Sounds like a crazy weekend!! Congrats on your picture!
I love how those challenging times in our life help us appreciate the good things. What a clever way to tell about your trip!
Sounds like my kind of outing… it’s all bad and all good but sure beats being stuck at home with neither good or bad.
Congrats on your winnings! That is definately good
That is too funny!!! We got home and our front door was open too!
In the good-bad balance, it seems more good than bad — which is good. 😉 I am glad nothing really bad happened with the opened door, which is always a bit scary. I love this way of telling the story of the day.
We had such a great time! Now when Mr. Bechtel says, “well, they live kinda way out there” I can have an actual sense of the space involved! Thanks for everything.
Whew!! Your weekend left me exhausted!! Sounds like alot of fun!
Good or bad, that’s funny. So was you silly picture…congrats!
i didn’t have time to read the story last time i commented. but boy, what a weekend! and yet i’m sure most of us have days like this if only we can see the humour in it like we would ten years later. but it seems so like you to be so calm.
Things seem to balance out if you look closeley. But, what a crazy weekend. Hope you had a good time. Love frosty’s and french fries. MMMMMM.
we love that book, and it was such a fun way for you to tell about your weekend! glad it was good in the end!