This family home evening lesson uses the story of Alma the Younger and the Sons of Mosiah to illustrate the importance of choosing and surrounding yourself with good friends. It also helps you to recognize some ways you can be a good influence on your friends and others. Lesson comes from my FHE Swap and was put together by Marci F.
Download the file here if you don’t have a Scribd account: Choosing Good Friends pdf file
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How does Aunt J. feel being married to such a famous person?? Nice job!
I LOVE your FHE Ideas…thanks for putting them out there for people like me who have a hard time coming up with something to do each week!
I just found your blog and I can`t believe it how many wonderful ideas you have and how well you do everything. Amazing! I could spend all night looking through all this. WOW !
Greetings from Germany, Darmstadt ward, Heidelberg stake – ganz liebe Grüße Kerstina