I quite enjoyed all the book recommendations from this last month’s Wordfull Wednesdays. I now have a long list of books to check out from the library. Hopefully that will keep me busy for a while. 😀
The winner of March’s Wordfull Wednesday is Note Worthy. The prize, appropriately, is this stenciled library tote from The Littlest Apple…
as well as a set of bookplates for her own personal library my etsy shop.
The Next Wordfull Wednesday lands on April Fool’s Day. Did you know that April is also National Humor Month? I love laughing. It is very healing, therapuetic, and just plain good for the soul. Next week tell us something funny – a made up story, an embarrassing moment, some good April Fool’s pranks, whatever suits your fancy!
Congrats to the winner! Thanks for sharing.
Cute bag. My library bag is so beat up, I ought to replace it with something cute like this.
Wow! What an honor to be part of your giveaway! Thanks for the support…
These library bags are wonderful and very popular. I will try to get more stocked in my shop, but if you don’t see any soon, shoot me an email and custom order yourself one!
Thanks again!
Thanks so much! I really needed a library bag (the diaper bag can only handle so much), and the bookplates have me really excited. It is so invigorating to win something!
Your blog is so creative! Truly a pleasure to read!
btw, I love your blog design and name! I seriously want chocolate now!