I love books. Let me say that again, I LOVE BOOKS!!! That would explain why I am drawn to home-school curriculum that is literature based like Sonlight, Ambleside Online, and Beautiful Feet. My children and I enjoy doing unit studies centered around books. There’s always some book we are reading aloud together as a family.
Itty-Bitty Bookworm is actually divided into two curriculums. Bo’s Curriculum is for ages 3-5 while Bailey’s Curriculum is for younger children ages 18 months – 36 months. In both curriculums a different classic children’s book is covered each week helping you to build a wonderful library of childrens books you will enjoy reading together over and over again.
Cookie is 4 and Special Dark is 2 1/2 so I opted to try Bo’s Curriculum. Our first book was Blueberries for Sal. We had fun:
* making blueberry muffins
* painting a blueberry bush
* making blueberries out of playdough
* weaving construction paper
* singing “The Bear Went Over the Mountain”
* looking for circles (with Special Dark) and spheres (with Cookie)
* making blueberry dye
* cutting out pails and blueberries to glue into a picture
*reviewing the letter and number of the week
I was delighted with how easy the lesson plans were to follow as long as I prepared ahead of time gathering the extra materials on the weekly supply list. We already had most of the items on hand. The curriculum comes with any printables, cards, and worksheets that are needed. Every morning Cookie and Special Dark would ask if it was time for their school yet. They look up to their older sisters imitating them doing their schoolwork so it was nice to have a set time each day that I could spend with just the two of them doing “their school.” Other books we have read for a week are The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Little Bear, and Seeds! Seeds! Seeds! We look forward to reading The Sunflower House this week.
Tara, the creative genius behind Itty-Bitty Bookworm, has generously offered to give one lucky reader a full year of curriculum, a $300 value! To enter please leave a comment telling what your favorite book is to read with your child. The giveaway is open until Thursday at 5pm PST when a winner will be randomly chosen. One entry per person. Good luck!
Make sure to go explore The Itty-Bitty Bookworm website! There are tons of free printables and ideas there. You can also follow Tara at her blog Raising Itty-Bitty Bookworms.
We literally have thousands of books in our home. One of our very most favorites is The Seven Silly Eaters. I love how the house gets progressively messier as each child is added to the family. I love how the mother tries to remain patient, sometimes through gritted teeth. I love how the children act just like real children, fighting, clinging, sniffling. I love how the mother eventually finds a way to make things work, and finally plays her cello again. I love the fact that the family has seven kids. By the way, I have never commented before, but I am an LDS mom of four (11, 9, 3, 2) living in MS, but both hubbie and I were born and raised in NV.
I would really love to win this!!!! One of our favorite read out loud books right now is “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs”. Also, “Bear Snores On”. This would be perfect perfect for my almost 4 yr old for next school year. THANKS.
what a lovely giveaway!
We too love books and have so many favorites! Different for each child (of course). The 3 yr old LOVES “Sometimes I Like To Curl Up In a Ball” or “I Love You Through and Through”, my 6 yr old loves anything with princesses (Disney or otherwise) and my 10 yr old is eclectic in her likes!
i’m excited to hear about this because i’ve been wondering about homeschool for my preschooler! our current favorite books are garden themed: Old MacDonald Had an Apartment House, The Toy Farmer and Jamberry. Thanks for the giveaway!
Sounds like a wonderful concept. I will head over there now. My 41/2 year loves books and I cannot get enough for her to read. I am checking about 12 books at a time out for her.
We have just found the Fancy Nancy books. “Bonjour Butterfly” is very cute and teachs a good lesson about Family support.
Oh, perfect! My almost 18 month-old loves “Goodnight Moon” and Sandra Boynton’s “ABC Book” and any other book in his site. What a neat program. Thanks for the opportunity to share!
We also love books! In fact, recently, we did an inventory of our books for insurance purposes and found that we own upwards of 700 and counting! (I’m sure we’d have more if we hadn’t sold nearly everything to move to Hawaii a few years back! I plan on never selling another book as long as I live because I hurt too much!)
My favorite book to read to my young children is Blueberries for Sal. They love it as much as I do, and it brings back so many happy childhood memories for me from my childhood! I think that this book was checked out of the Provo library over 100 times by our family! I’m lucky to now own a copy of my very own!
Fabulous giveaway! Some of our favorite books are “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie,” “Dinosaur Train” and all of Eric Carle’s wonderful books. I’m off to check out the Itty Bitty Bookworm site. Thanks so much!
What a fabulous giveaway! We also love books here. My 4 year old loves the Llama Llama books, and is enjoying listening to The Secret Garden (abridged by mommy). Her baby brothers (age 1) are liking any flap book or any book with textures. We love to read!
Ooo! Exciting giveaway! Right now I love reading “Snuggle Puppy” and “Bear Snores On” with my little guy. He likes the big kiss at the end of the first, and the rhythm of the second.
OH We LOVE books too. My husband said just last night, WE HAVE BOOKS EVERYWHERE. WE LIVE IN A LIBRARY, NOT A HOUSE!!!! {yes he was upset, because well I didn’t clean up the little kids books yet!!!} Let’s see our favorites.. Bear Snores on Series, Curious George, How to make an apple pie and see the world, Madeline, Dick and Jane, God is good series, Winnie the Pooh, Fancy Nancy (not my favorite!!), Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Veggie Tales, ABC books. We have some fun Usborne ABC books. We especially love easy readers that use real animals and facts!! I love that they are making easy bible and book of mormon readers, Welcome with love… I am sure I could go on.
Oh please enter me in this contest, so I can add more to my book library/house!!!
Picking a favorite book is so difficult. Our favorite read-alouds are Waking Beauty and How I Became a Pirate. I favorite looking books are Richard Scarry’s Cars and Trucks and Things That Go or an Egg is Quiet. Finally, our favorite memorized books are Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, An Island Grows, and There’s a Bird on Your Head. Whoosh! As for the curriculm, It would be perfect as I am just now creating our co-op preschool plans. Thanks for your fabulous blog.
I’ve tried to win this curriculum several times…lol. Maybe this time I’ll be lucky.
Right now I’m enjoying reading Eric Carle books to my son, because of the beautiful pictures. I especially love the Hungry Caterpillar.
I’m also a huge Dr Suess fan.
Ah Cocoa. What a website find. Thanks for sharing.
Some of our favorites are:
Counting Our Way to Maine
One Morning in Maine
Big Red Barn
and anything from Iza Trapani, Janet Stevens or Sarah Stewart.
This was hard to narrow down, but I think the book I love to read to my little ones the most is “Brown Bear Brown Bear” by Eric Carle. The rhythm of the words, the bright colors, and the way it almost feels like a song makes this the perfect book. I love it when my tiny little ones can read it to themselves and make sounds that almost sound like “brown bear”. It reminds me of why it so wonderful to read to my children even when they are too small to understand.
We love to read in our family. My youngest (age 21 months) will “read” any book she can get her hands on – but she loves all the Sandra Boynton books because she loves to do actions with them.
We love to read Mo Willem’s Pigeon books together. Although, my daughter also likes the “How Does a Dinosaur” series of books, too.
My favorite book to read with my youngest is the Dairy of a Worm. Tongue in cheek? Yes, but funny to all. It also brings up questions like “why do worms lie on the sidewalk after the rain?” and “why do they tunnel?” Since we garden all summer, these are great lessons for our family.
Very cool giveaway! I am such a sucker for stuff like this!!
Justin and I love to read “Freight Train”, “There’s a Wocket in my Pocket”, “Stop That Ball”, “A Fly Went By”, etc.
Thanks for sharing this curriculum. I love to be able to teach my child many things with one book! Two of our favorite books are I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More and Brave Little Monster. My 4 year old is still trying to figure out her favorite by requesting that many books be read to her each day!
Very neat giveaway!
Our favorite read aloud book right now is “The Rainbow Fish” by Marcus Pfister. My son’s also a big fan of “Slowly, Slowly, Slowly Said the Sloth”. To be honest, my son loves pretty much any and every book. He’s just like his mommy.
How Fabulous!! What a nice thing to do. There are so many books we love to read, like the Elephant and Piggie books by Mo Willems. “Where’s my teddy?” and “My Friend Bear” are other favorites. We also love “Goodnight Gorrila”, “If you give a mouse a cookie” and SOOO many more.
My daughter almost always picks out Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Knuffle Bunny, or Baa Baa Black Sheep by Tomie de Paola.
One of my favorites is the ABC book by Gyo Fujikawa. His illustrations are beautiful! I remembered the book from my own childhood. To me, it is like stepping into a piece of magic.
btw- I just stumbled on your blog today while I was searching for The Wise Man & the Foolish Man. I left a link to your blog in my posting today!
Thanks for the contest and also for the info about Itty Bitty bookworm. I am trying to do my own “homeschool” curriculum centered around the alphabet and correlating books and topics. I can’t wait to check out the Itty Bitty Bookworm blog.
We love the book Waking Beauty, and we also love Chicka chika Boom Boom…in fact, just to give you some idea of how much I read it I have the whole thing memorized and frequently wake up at night with it running through my head. Thank you for the curriculum suggestions!
What a fun giveaway! I just discovered your blog a few weeks ago and am loving it!
My two-year old loves any book he can get his hands on, but his favorite is probably “Mama, Mama.” I just love how simple it is and how it illustrates and emphasizes the different aspects of the mother-child relationship.
We use Sonlight for my 7yo, and I’ve just been thinking about what to start doing with my 2yo, so I’ll have to check out this curriculum. Thanks!
I would love to win this!!!! My two-year-old loves to read the Curious George books. My favorite is the Little Critter books. And we both love the Bernstein Bears. Please pick me!!!
Our most recent favorite is “Personal Penguin” by Sandra Boynton. We love books you can sing to. My oldest daughter has recently embarked upon “The Secret Garden”.
One of my childrens’ favorite books to read/listen to is The Monster at the End of This Book. They love the interaction! One of my favorites is Make Way For Ducklings. And we all love the Little House books. Right now we are reading All of a Kind Family. It is just so hard to choose ONE favorite!
Oh my! How do you limit it to one book?!
We are book lovers here as well. We do a lot of read aloud as a family, one on one with children, even my husband and I read to each other. Our family consists of my husband, me and our six children ranging from age 10 1/2 months to 10 1/2 years.
We are currently reading Ida B. as a family. Other family reads have included the Little House Series, Little Women, Little Men, Jo’s Boys, The Borrowers Series, Charlotte’s Web, Alice in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass, A Christmas Carol, gosh, so many!
The books that our little children go back to all the time to have me read aloud are: The Weight of a Mass, Angel in the Water, St. George and the Dragon, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, Pickles to Pittsburgh, The True Story of the Big Bad Wolf, The Story of Ferdinand, Artie the Smartie, Saint Valentine, by Robert Sabuda.
If I checked with the children, I’m sure there would be more.
We have lots of favorites. Right now my son is enjoying Baby Duck books and Good Knight books.
Our favorite book for my little guys is “Julius’ Candy Corn”. We giggle every time we read it together. Every now and then we even get our own cupcakes and candy corn and act out the book as we read it. Who doesn’t love a book and a treat?
This would be so fantastic! I love reading Fancy Nancy books to my 3 year old, and Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? to my toddler. I love reading Magic Tree House to my boys and we read The Spiderwick Chronicles, which my 8 year old loved.
Wow! I’m currently trying to figure out some preschool curriculem for my little girls, so this would be fantastic! Our 4yo has quite a few favorites and we just finished her first big-kid book “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe”. The almost 2yo enjoys anything with babies, currently Hop, Skip, Jump.
My 4 1/2 year old LOVES books and has so many favorites, but the 2 I like reading to her right now are Pinkalicious and We’re Going on a Bear Hunt.
BTW, I love the blog!
Sounds awesome! My 3 year old loves The Hungry Caterpillar. He loves to stick his fingers in all the holes.
Now that is a tricky question, a favorite? My daughter loves “I Love You to the Moon”. I love to read her “Mother Bridge of Love”, a book about adoption. We recently picked up a “Blueberries for Sal” from a used bookstore in Nicaragua. The owner said it had been her favorite and was happy to pass it on to our daughter. Good times!
There are so many fun books to read, it’s hard to choose. Both my kids like The Giving Tree and my son really loves No David! This would be perfect for me to use with the Preschool group that I teach at my home.
Our favorite little’s book is Brown Bear, Brown Bear. The simple words make it a quick one to memorize and all of my children have LOVED being able to “read” it with me. We recently bought the same book and Spanish and have fun reading it first in English and then in Spanish. Books are magical.
Our current fave (being a mom to 2 little divas) is the Fancy Nancy series…we love the silly, fun and big words she uses. She’s definitely expanding the wee one’s vocabulary 🙂
Great giveaway!
My girls really enjoy The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson. It’s got great rhythm, fun rhymes, and a cool story about a clever mouse outsmarting his larger, more aggressive, predators. I would LOVE this curriculum. I’ve got a four year old, a three year old, and a one year old. Thanks for sharing!
I love Chica Chica Boom Boom. I just love how it rolls off my tongue. It’s so fun to read.
We love to read The Big Hungry Bear!
I am also a new commenter but I love your blog! Hmmm…our favorite book? That is hard. I started collecting children’s books long before I had children and now that I have 3 we are overflowing and still looking forward to the next book fair! Anyway, I’d have to say that a few of the ones we never get bored with are Go Dog Go!, Heckedy Peg, and The Five Chinese Brothers. (can I raise my hand in the air, shake it around a bit and beg Pick me! Pick me!!?)
This would be a great addition to our homeschool “library”. My kids love reading “Is Your Mama a Llama?” and the How do Dinosaurs books.
I love children’s books! The books I love the most are the ones that I can read over and over again when the kids beg me to read it a second, and then a third time when we just finished reading it! “The Five Little Monkeys Wash the Car” by Eileen Christelow is one of these books for me. It makes me laugh every time I read it!
It’s hard to choose just one favorite. I love reading Where the Wild Things Are, Pumpkin Moonshine, Goodnight Moon, and so many others…
We love books at our home and my 2 1/2 year old can’t get enough. Neither can my husband or I, but we try to limit ourselves to buying just a few books every few months. Right now, my son and I love to read “I Love You Forever”. This book always makes me cry and I’m sure my little boy thinks I’m crazy for doing it, but I can’t help myself.
My favorite children’s book is Five Minutes Peace. Hilarious illustrations and speaks to my life right now! I hope I win!~
We love Dr Suess Books – Right now Go Dog Go is a favorite!
MY Favorite books to read with my little ones are books like “Just In Case you Ever Wonder”. The kids like “No No Yes Yes” and “Curious George” and Little Critter and Dr. Seuss… the list goes on and on. :-). I would love to win this curriculum, it would be so fun to try it out!
We love to read in our home. Anytime of the day is a great time to crack open a book. I do my best to try and instill a love of reading in my son (he’s 3)and my daughter (she just turned 1) now so that they will carry that with them as they get older. I have to say that my sons favorite bed time books are Kittens First Full Moon, Good Night Moon, and the Three Little Pigs. I love when he recites the lines of his favorite parts while we are reading. I have also loved the comments. They have given me some great ideas of new books to read.:)
Thank you for the opportunity to win. vschellman @ gmail. com
Let’s see, my favorite book to read to my son is called The Monster at the End of this Book. It was one of my favorites as a child, and I still love reading it to him with tons of enthusiasm. But, I would have to say that his favorite book to read is Where the Wild Things Are…he can’t ever get enough!
Thanks for hosting such a wonderful giveaway!!
What a neat giveaway! One of my childrens favorites that I love to read over and over is chicka chicka boom boom. There are so many fun ways to read it!
As always, you have such great ideas and helping me every day! THanks for sharing about this preschool program!
oh what favorites we have had: chicka chicka boom boom, my very own name, waking beauty, trashy town, don’t let the pigeon drive the bus
It’s before 5 PM here, but I’m not sure where you live! I found you from Modern Molly Mormons, by the way…
My favorite book right now is Caps for Sale! So cute