The next four weeks I will be posting family home evening lessons that teach about the US Flag, Pledge of Allegiance, Patriotism, and the Preamble to the US Constitution. It is a nice way to lead up to the Independence Day celebrations you will have will your family while at the same time teaching them a little bit about the great country we live in. The lessons were based of off the Family Home Evening Supplement Guide the church published in 1987 to celebrate the Bicentennial of the US Constitution. This guide is no longer available from Church Distribution which is unfortunate as it contains so many wonderful lessons and ideas. Over the next several years I will continue to create 3-4 FHE lessons from this guide to use during the month of June or July.
Today (Sunday, June 14) is Flag Day. This lesson teaches about the history of the US Flag as well as the history of our national anthem.
If you don’t have a Scribd account click here to download from 4shared.
For some reason the lessons are printing really big, cutting some of the images off. The best way to avoid this is to download the pdf file to your computer and then print it. You must have a Scribd account to download the file but it is free. To download click on the third icon from the left at the bottom of the scribd screen. It looks like a cloud with an arrow pointing down.
We did this FHE tonight and the kids had so much fun! Thank you so much for publishing these, you make my life so easy….and I can hand them off to the girls to prepare! ;o)
Hi! I love your blog and check your postings and FHE files each week! I was wondering if you had any wonderful Father’s Day packets?
Heidi in Vegas
Great ideas for FHE- I will use this Monday- Thanks for posting! I love your blog!