Turn, turn, my wheel! All things must change
To something new, to something strange;
Nothing that is can pause or stay;
The moon will wax, the moon will wane,
The mist and cloud will turn to rain,
The rain to mist and cloud again,
To-morrow be to-day.
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Keramos~
Welcome to September!See the trees here? (Sorry they’re blurry. It was windy!)Half a year ago they looked like this.
The transformation that has taken place is part of a natural cycle. At first the trees are subjected to harsh cold winds, snow, and freezing temperatures. Then the milder season of spring coaxes them out of their cold shell to begin growing and stretching, reaching their branches to the warmth of the sun. Summer comes with its scorching heat. But it is through that heat the trees mature, reaching their full bloom of foliage for the year. Fall will come, giving the trees a little respite before the cycle starts all over again.
Our lives are like those trees. Looking back we can see transformations that have occurred, sometimes over years, others in a matter of months. We’ve had times of relative ease, like spring and fall, and times of harsh cold winters and scorching summers. Through it all we grow and change, transform.
As promised it’s time for Wordfull Wednesday to begin. Don’t know what Wordfull Wednesday is? Go here to find out more. Next week’s topic is all about Transformations, more specifically, a transformation that has happened to you.
*Are you where you’d thought you would be at the beginning of the year?
*Have you discovered new talents, traits, or characteristics you didn’t know you had?
*Has an unexpected challenge come your way? How has it changed you?
Turn, turn, my wheel! What is begun
At daybreak must at dark be done,
To-morrow will be another day;
To-morrow the hot furnace flame
Will search the heart and try the frame,
And stamp with honor or with shame
These vessels made of clay.
~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Keramos~
Take some time to ponder, write a post next week about how you have been transformed through your life’s experiences, and on Wednesday come share the link to your post here.
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