I assembled this family home evening lesson in preparation for October’s General Conference. It teaches what a watch tower is for and the responsibility of the watchmen. It then tells how Heavenly Father provided watchmen for us today, the prophet and apostles. In doing the lesson you will create a watchtower to hang on your wall with pictures of the First Presidency and Twelve Apostles. Leave it on display in the week(s) leading up to General Conference so your children will recognize them when they speak. The lesson also contains a link to Apostle Cards from Sugardoodle.net.
Scribd is not my friend right now! For some reason they are asking some of you to pay to subscribe before you can download. Here is a link to the pdf file that I uploaded to Google Docs. You should be able to print or download it for free using this link
This lesson prints best when downloaded to your computer (you need a free account with Scribd) and then printed. Remember to choose the “fit to page” option in the printer screen.
Watchmen on the Tower FHE © 2007-2009 Chocolate on my Cranium, LLC all rights reserved
Thank you for this! We have loved and used your Watchmen on the Tower lesson for many conferences. Any chance you will be updating the pictures now that we have new members of the quorum of the 12? I’m sure you’re very busy, but if it’s possible, please let me know, we love it!