Apparently I can be in two places at once. I’m at Heart of the Matter with another Teaching Your Children to cook post . . .
And I’m at Latter-day Homeschooling talking about yearly homeschool schedules.
Come on over and visit!
And for your viewing pleasure…
My niece’s ewe had triplets.
All together now….
Love the baby sheep! And isn’t it amazing how we can do it all??? with a little help from the internet, of course!
They’re SO CUTE! Our goats are about to have babies, which are even cuter than lambs, then we’re gonna get bummer lambs to bottle feed on goats milk. To add to the spring confusion, we also have a pregnant cat and a broody hen sitting on eggs. Babies are about to start appearing everywhere! I love springtime 🙂
For those looking for a good resources on sleeping – read the book Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child – it is a wonderful resource from new born to highschool age children
What can I say? We all knew you had a red cape flapping behind you. SO of course you could be in two places at once. 😉
Really cute pics too!
All of my kids and I said AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! at the same time! Those triplet lambs are adorable! And thanks for changing the comment box so I can leave comments!