Ah, the silhouette. Timeless, classic, endearing.
I LOVE silhouettes. I use them on my bookplates. And recently, while going through some old files I found some silhouettes I’d done of my three oldest girls when they were little and still had some baby fat on them. So darling! There are plans in the works to create silhouettes of our whole family to use when we finally build our new kitchen addition. I love how Nie Nie makes new silhouettes of her family each year.
I know there are several DIY posts out on the net showing how to create silhouettes but to me you can’t beat the good-old fashioned art of silhouette cutting. Have you ever seen someone cut a silhouette with the person sitting right there? It’s amazing! Truly an historical art. April’s Wordfull Wednesday winner will receive a custom, hand-cut, couple silhouette portrait from Jenny Lee Fowler. Jenny cuts the silhouettes based on photos that are sent to her. That requires some great skill.
Who’s the lucky winner?
D-Lyn! Congrats. You are so going to love it. Please e-mail me at chocolateonmycranium {at} live {dot} com so I can put you in contact with Jenny. She’ll let you know all the details to get started on your custom portait.
You really must take a look at the silhouette cuttings at Jenny’s etsy shop. Wouldn’t they make lovely gifts?
Heads up: Later today will be the next post for Wordfull Wednesday. The topic is “Caring for your Family – How do you let them know you care about them? What do you do as parents to show your children they are loved? “Husband and wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children.” (Family Proclamation, paragraph 6)” Start writing your blog post so you’ll be ready to link up later today! Don’t forget you can go here to see the schedule for upcoming topics.
© 2007-2009 Chocolate on my Cranium, LLC all rights reserved
Hip hurray for Me!
So excited I won!
I can be contacted via my etsy shop contact at