Hershey is 7-1/2 months old! Where did the time go? She is definitely starting to develop a little personality all her own. She’s a petite little thing, much like Bon Bon was as a baby. She only weighs 15 pounds. We just started feeding her baby cereal and other foods a couple of weeks ago. I like to keep my babies strictly on mama’s milk until they are at least 6 months old. A couple of my babies needed food at about 4 months but the rest were over half a year old before starting them on solids. Hershey just got her two bottom teeth last week. She loves to give me “kisses.” She grabs my face and plants her mouth on my cheek or chin. She won’t do it to anyone else.
Hershey rolls all over the floor when playing and everything gets put in her mouth. It helps us keep the living room really clean! She has a very funny laugh when she gets going. It sounds like a machine gun! Of course, it’s so cute we’re always trying to make her laugh so we can hear it.
The peasant dresses were made using the Miss Madeline Dress pattern. I tried to make my own pattern but couldn’t get the angle of the sleeves right. They were always too tight, so I gave in and bought a pattern. I LOVE it! The dresses sew up very quickly – less than half an hour each.
The hair accessories were made by my niece, Sariah. She supplied us with bows, flowers, and headbands galore, enough to match every outfit.
© 2007-2009 Chocolate on my Cranium, LLC all rights reserved
I could eat those cheeks. My “baby” is almost 3, but I still eat his and he lets me. She is a doll baby!
Love the pics. She is gorgeous! I love the outfits and the headbands. I am going to check out the pattern and make a couple of dresses for my grand-daughters.
She is a doll and the dresses are darling. I can’t believe it’s been that long since we met.
Adorable baby and cute dress! I think I need that pattern too for some easy summer dresses.
I love that you used the crying baby one!!!
I do have a questions for you, do you have any ideas for Father’s day crafts for my older kids to do, make? Teen/tween years???
Oh my goodness. She’s just perfect. The dresses are lovely, the bows and flowers are too. But that face…oh it’s dreamy.
Yep, you make cute babies! 🙂
(and take great pictures of them too!)
she is so cute. I am jealous of those headbands. I just blogged about how NONE of my children have EVER let anything stay on their heads .. lol… so I dont buy them any more.
She’s awesome, as I am sure you already know! Thanks for the link to the pattern. I love that style for this age.
Oh she is so cute! with a very expressive brow
The dresses are nice and colorful and I do like the hair accessories as well
Girls – even little babies are so fun to dress. This post has got me itching to sew finally