Merrily we roll along, roll along, roll along…
Yup, that was me merrily going along my way when one day in my personal study I came upon this scripture in Isaiah “Depart ye, depart ye, go ye out from thence, touch no unclean thing; go ye out of the midst of her; be ye clean, that bear the vessels of the Lord.” (52:11) and more specifically this scripture in the Doctrine and Covenants “Go ye out from Babylon. Be ye clean that bear the vessels of the Lord.” (133:5)
“Hmmm,” I thought, “Babylon. What exactly is meant by that?”
Then here’s the “kicker” that got me. Actually two kickers. The first was rereading Elder D. Todd Christofferson’s talk entitled “Come to Zion.” In that talk he said, “The Savior was critical of some of the early Saints for their “lustful … desires” (D&C 101:6; see also D&C 88:121). These were people who lived in a non-television, non-film, non-Internet, non-iPod world. In a world now awash in sexualized images and music, are we free from lustful desires and their attendant evils? Far from pushing the limits of modest dress or indulging in the vicarious immorality of pornography, we are to hunger and thirst after righteousness. To come to Zion, it is not enough for you or me to be somewhat less wicked than others. We are to become not only good but holy men and women. Recalling Elder Neal A. Maxwell’s phrase, let us once and for all establish our residence in Zion and give up the summer cottage in Babylon” (see Neal A. Maxwell, A Wonderful Flood of Light [1990], 47, emphasis added.)
While I watered the garden that day (truly an all day project) I contemplated Elder Christofferson’s admonition that it’s not enough to be less wicked but to be holy. What areas of my life did I need to improve?
The second kicker came the very next day. I am currently reading “In the Strength of the Lord,” a collection of talks from the 2009 BYU Women’s Conference. While nursing Hershey I read the talk given by Mary Ellen Edmunds called “Letting Go of the World: It is Time to “Sell the Summer Cottage in Babylon.” There it was again….a summer cottage in Babylon! Sister Edmunds says, “It’s a dangerous thing to try to divide our loyalties, isn’t it? No one can serve two masters. There’s only room for one—either God or someone or something else. We choose. . . Elder Bruce R. McConkie taught: “Zion is people. . . . Zion is those out of whose souls dross and evil have been burned as though by fire . . . so as to stand pure and clean before the Lord. Zion is those who keep the commandments of God.” Babylon is the antithesis of the city of Zion, the city of God. It’s the exact opposite of all that is good, pure, and holy. It is as dark as Zion is light. . . Maybe we need a filter around our home, our Zion in the midst of Babylon. Work together to make your home a place of goodness, a place of holiness, a place of peace, a place of refuge and protection, a Zion.”
The last couple of sentences really jumped out to me. So many of those phrases are found in my patriarchal blessing! As I went throughout my day I began to wonder what I was missing that the Lord was trying to tell me. Then I started thinking about the movies, the tv, the books, the internet. As a mother I think I’ve done alright. I’m pretty discriminating about the types and amount of television shows and movies my children watch. I am particular about the books they read too. And then I realized that while we are doing good we could be doing much better. Bingo.
Satan is very subtle.
The movie was good, except for that one part.
The melody of this song is great, the message not so much.
What signals am I sending to my children when I allow them to see or read or listen to things that are mostly good instead of all-the-way-good, the best? As the mother I need to set the example. I have a responsibility to teach my children between good and evil.
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20)
“And they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and profane, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean.” (Ezekiel 44:23)
I LOVE music. All types. I am well rounded in my musical repertoire. But there are some songs on my iPod that I know should be taken off. (BUT I really like the beat or melody!) But…
I need to “dedicate my life to serving the Lord and not worry about offending the devil.” (James E. Faust)
What I allow or don’t allow into my home sends a message. “Women are like lionesses at the gate of the home. Whatever happens in that home and family happens because she cares about it and it matters to her. She guards that gate, and things matter to that family if they matter to her.” (Julie B Beck, Choose Ye This Day to Serve the Lord, 2010 BYU Women’s Conference)
My family matters more than a song.
More than a movie.
More than anything.
So I am beginning. Going through the movies, the songs, the books. I’m not just packing to leave my summer cottage in Babylon.
I am going to tear it down.
And, yes, it is and will continue to be painful.
I loved this post. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, good quotes (with sources!).
I have really enjoyed your last two post, you write so wonderfully about these topics. I might use some of this for my R.S. lesson in August. I love it! Thanks so much!
ha! I just blogged about all songs that have catchy beats have immoral words! drives me insane.. that sneaky sneaky devil!
you are an example. I really do hate how most things are ‘good except for’ it leaves not much left really.
Nice post- I am feeling the same way. Starting now with clutter and food, hope to move on to other things Thanks for the inspiration
I enjoyed this post. Thanks!
When I did this with my collection of movies last year, I took over 200 movie out of our collection and made $200 and bought wheat for my food storage!
So in a way, cleansing and purging my “babalonian” movies benifitted me in my quest to become just MORE. 🙂
Thanks for the food for thought today. I am going to see where else I need to purge.
Thank you so much for your thoughts!! We have always been critical of movies and music, but having just had a baby, we are just now (after 1 1/2 months) coming out of survival mode -which means lots of movies/t.v., most of which I haven’t a clue about- so it was wonderful to sit and read your post this morning! Thanks for the ‘kick in the butt’ (I mean reminder) 🙂 to do better!!
Thank you for your post. It’s amazing how subtle Satan can be and how difficult it is to change. What greater cause can we be engaged in, though?
I too have heard that image of a summer cottage in Babylon many times. I have at times thought… “oh that isn’t me”. But then I come across something and think “how did this get in here”. It is a constant battle to keep out Babylon. I feel like I am doing better but still have a lot more work to do. Maybe this lioness has let a few things slip by?
Constant Vigilence!
This was a hard one for me. My oldest son drinks and watches bad movies. Awhile back he began bringing these things home. It was very hard to take a stand, when I told him his things were not allowed in our home. Yes, he was welcome but not alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, overnighters with girls, PG-13 movies, etc. Floored, he asked if I realized what I just said. I told him that I did. If I had to choose between him and my values, my values would win–why did he insist on making me choose. If he brought alcohol or porn in the house again, he would have to find another place to live. It nearly broke my heart and knocked me out emotionally, but it was done. He moved out. I cannot have Babylon in my home.
I love the Julie B. Beck quote. It was brought up in Relief Society here a couple weeks ago, and I’ve been thinking about it ever since.
And thank you for admitting that it will be painful. I tend to think that living the gospel should be easy; I needed a reminder that sometimes it’s hard and that’s okay.
Beautiful, well-written, inspired post! We’re going through the same process. It’s definitely not easy, but the end reward is more than worth it!
We just were talking about this during our morning devotional today as my kids were asking about 2 Nephi 15:20 (which is the same as you quoted from Isaiah 5:20). It seems to be a common theme lately as I’ve been reading other blogs. I think we are all really striving to be better and do better . . . I am inspired daily by so many great moms out there!
It is a very common theme lately. My DH and I were talking about this same phrase a month or two ago. We are making small strides and have quite a ways to go but we are determined to knock down our ‘summer cottage’ as well. Good luck!
Have fun knocking that cottage down. It’s hard work but it feels so good!!
This was something that I really needed. I have been thingking about this but never knew exactly how to put my finger on it or how to wrap my thoughts about it. Thank you.
{btw… I read one of your posts about you sewng wih one of your girls on your lap because she likes the touch… I did that with one of my boys who wanted to sew… we had a good time but it is really hard to sew with a head in my way. I am just learnig how to sew and can barely sew a straight line…. but it was so much fun with Tommy on my lap. Thnk you for the idea.
I must say we started down this same road about 2 years ago. It started with something small, and now has worked into a whole life makeover. Yes it was hard, YES it IS hard. Are we happier?? Definitly. It says we should live by every word. We now… eat extremly healthy, don’t watch movies {I was invited to a new movie with my SIL’s I didn’t even know what they were talking about}, No TV {very limited DVD’s and VHS} No music {other than hymns and some classical} Reading our scriptures more, praying more, and trying to get even farther and farther away from the evil in this world…. and yes it’s EVERYWHERE!!! God bless you and your family on this journey, I do hope the best for you.
Oh my goodness, so much to think about and act upon. I am culling my house and trying to recreate an environment where the Spirit can dwell. You just made it easier to make a lot of decisions that have been plaguing me.
Thanks from an old dog to a young pup for the insight. I love to learn from those younger than I am!
BTW, When we picked up our younger daughter from her mission in the western half of Nevada, we stayed for a couple of days so that she could speak at the baptism of someone she had been teaching. I had keep a lid on my hubby who HATES Las Vegas so that he wouldn’t say things that might upset her, after all, she had been there for the last 6 months, loved the people, blah, blah, blah. As we changed to traveling clothes after the service, she came barreling out of the restroom and said “OK, let’s hit the road, I want out of Babylon!” We about died laughing. When I asked where Sodom and Gomorrah were . . . . . she had an answered Reno and Carson city with no hesitation! “that’s my baby!
Reminds me of a recent talk by our Bishop concerning the Brother of Jared and his friends and family.
Well said Chocolate! I have pondered a lot Elder Christofferson’s point, “It is not enough for you or me to be somewhat less wicked than others…” I also recal when thinking about Babylon how in the last days we will say, “All is well in Zion…” decieving ourselves in our “carnal security.” We do need to make a stand. Eder Christofferson also says in that talk that Zion will only come “because we build it.” I believe that it must start in the family first.
Good luck in your journey. I will love to hear your comments as you flee Babylon and built your Zion.
: )
Thanks for the inspiration!
Elder Bednar reently visited our stake in ann arbor and left us with “as good as you are, strive to do better”
Thanks for getting me thinking this morning!
I have an award for you:
Thanks so much! Great thoughts and I’m going to have to come back to this post and read those talks that you gave links to. I’m getting motivated to do another run through in my home to better narrow down what really is the best – it is painful, but wonderful at the same time 🙂
Loved it.
Needed it.
“Women are like lionesses at the gate of the home. Whatever happens in that home and family happens because she cares about it and it matters to her. She guards that gate, and things matter to that family if they matter to her.” (Julie B Beck, 2010 BYU Women’s Conference)
Thank you!
I really hope you are not being too hard on yourself.
I just don’t see you spending too much time in Babylon, if any. 🙂
Thank you for the good example you’ve always been. Every one of your blog posts is uplifting and ennobles womanhood.
Yes, even this post does that. We do need to lift a little more and stand a little taller, be a little cleaner and more holy.
I just think you’re doing a great job, that’s all.
the end.
Coming back to this post again. Your posts stand out to me and give me such food for thought… for years! Thank you for that.
This topic came up today again in a WEH group and I thought of this post and want to share it with the women in that group. What a vital topic and you have such a gift and talent with words.
I’m also trying to find your post about our homes being outposts again. That’s definitely one of my favorites!
Thank you for being you, for your example of striving. 😊❤️🌻