I’m sure most of you have at one time or another run into Mormon missionaries. They’ve probably knocked on your door.
Now you have the opportunity to reverse the role and “knock on the door” of Mormons through the internet. Want to know what we believe? Want to know how we live our lives? Mormon.org has been relaunched with profiles of 2,000 members, with more being added each day (13,000 are still being processed and more are adding their profiles), who share their beliefs, personal stories, and experiences of being a Mormon. You can search profiles to find members who have similar circumstances as you. Hispanic? Female? You’ll find my picture on the search results. 🙂 or you can just go directly to my profile here.
You can read members testimonies of Jesus Christ, how the Holy Ghost has helped them in their lives, even what jobs we have in the church. As you go through the site you have opportunities to read members answers to questions such as:
“Why do you have twelve apostles?”
“What is Relief Society?”
“Do Mormons practice polygamy?
“What are Mormon temples used for?”
“What are Mormon women like? Do Mormons believe in equality of men and women?”
If you are at all curious about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints I encourage you to head over to Mormon.org. Look around, read, and learn about Mormons from all over the world. You’ll find we are similar in so many ways.
© 2007-2010 Chocolate on my Cranium, LLC all rights reserved
Wow, that is such a cool testimony (great photo of you too by the way!) I have been trying to get logged in on the site for a while, but can’t quite do it for some reason…hopefully soon!
I saw this a few weeks ago and then I read the other day that the New York mission is starting a pilot progam with their missionaries – working with people online!
I’ve decided we are to be in the internet but not of the internet, lol.
I’ll have to get on there and do a profile – thanks for the motivation! I wanted to let you know that I gave you a blogger award – thanks for your resources and ideas!