My 4th pregnancy was rough. Life threatening at times and when the doctor advised that this be my last child I was ready. We would have 4 daughters, a beautiful and full family. I had been promised a posterity of sons and daughters and I was okay with the sons coming later in the form of sons-in-law and grandsons. (A great deal of prayer and a sweet, peaceful assurance also played into this decision.)
Two years moved happily along with our daughters growing and changing, when we suddenly started receiving strong spiritual promptings that we were not done having children and we needed to look into adoption. It was the kind of inspiration that literally hits you on the head so you have no doubt where it’s coming from.
One month later we brought home our oldest son. He was a miracle in so many ways, his birth, the adoption process, how he even came to find us and we found him. The miracles were too numerous to deny the hand of God in our lives. He knew us, but more importantly He knew our son. He knew his needs here on this earth and He facilitated the formation of our family.
The Proclamation to the family states: “Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity”. This sentence penetrated my soul when the birth of our second son happened two months later.
His birth mother is the brave, strong courageous woman who loved her son so much that she defied her family, her friends, and her community by choosing adoption over abortion. She, like many of our other birth mothers, wanted a strong father who would help raise her son to be a good man.
We now have 5 adopted children, making 9 total children and yes it’s a lot. Each child, both biological and adopted, is a miracle in our lives. We could have never done on our own what the Lord did for us in creating a family with personalities and strengths that compliment (and sometimes bug) one another.
It was an affirmation to me that the Lord knows us individually. He is aware of us, who we are and what we need even in the midst of trials, horrific acts, and disasters that happen all around or to us. He is a God of love and it is love that makes adoption possible, so when one of our children questions their adoption and how we don’t understand, I can gently remind him that the Lord understands and loves them, because He too was raised, in part, by an adopted father.
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That is reassuring that the Lord has it all figured out…and I love your line that Christ was “adopted” too! 🙂
Yes, Christ was. And so are each of us as we are adopted into a glorious tribe with so many responsibilities and assignments. Good for your generous hearts and natures. 9 spiritually edified children…..stars in your crown.
I am excited to see you write again. I was interested in a bit more of your journey (as we are going through a similar one) so I am greatful to you for sharing somemore.
Thank you for the wonderful line in the proclamation. I have never thought about that line with adoption. We know that our “blood” children are born in the covenant, but with children we know are waiting for us in the adoption sector…they too need to be here with us in that covanant. So thank you for pointing out that lovely line.
I am always in awe when I hear stories of women who decide against abortion and choose adoption. I can hardly imagine how difficult that must be. It makes me feel so proud of them and wish I could give them a huge hug.
Love what you said about Jesus, too. I’d never thought of it that way!
I think the word “entitled” is a key here. Generally, there is no room for entitlement in the Lord’s gospel; it is open to anyone and everyone who is willing to make and keep the covenants. It doesn’t matter if you come from pioneer stock or were baptized yesterday. So I think it says something that the Lord feels children are entitled to a family within the bonds of marriage. Unfortunately, the world has completely lost track of that.
What a great story you have to share. Thanks for giving us a glimpse of it.
I believe that adoption is awesome and wonderful! My husband and I talk about it often and wonder what the Lord has in store for our family. I love adoption!
That is really cool! It is so great to know that Heavenly Father knows our hearts and what we can handle . . . and what we need and how to get it to us. Thank you for sharing. My husband and I have actually talked quite a bit about adoption, and from the posts I’ve read on here, it seems that it isn’t as uncommon as I used to think!!!
I loved this post. I really enjoyed hearing that you just knew. I, too, have been told that more of “our own” isn’t a good idea. We wonder, though, if the Lord has plans for our family like He did for yours. Time and prayer will tell. What a great family. Enjoy it all!
I would love to know how it all came about. Adoption is very difficult, expensive and a long long process in Australia. Most people can only adopt ONE child (and then you have to be childless to start with) so I have 4 duaghters too, and it would be near impossible for me to do so.
However apparently there are lots of children in the foster system, and I know someone who does that, but even then the paperwork required is astronomical.
Anyway I always thought that maybe one day I would adopt, but I just cant really see a way.
Thank you for sharing your story. I have several friends that have adopted and they all similarly praise the birth mother – and that’s not done enough sometimes. Great looking crew you’ve got!
You have a beautiful family. A friend of mine recently adopted and has nothing but praise for her birth mom as well.
I love adoption stories. I agree that adoption really is all about love.
what an amazing mother you are!
I think this woman is amazing!
I love adoption stories because they are always deeply moving
Yay, Allison. You’re a rock star mom; I love your willingness to be a blessing to a child.
Thanks for sharing. Adoption is a wonderful experience. I have a few adopted nephews and a niece.
Thanks for the blog. I will definitely be one of your top readers 🙂 I wish you had a button for this blog. I wanted to post it on my blog. Oh well, guess you can’t have everything. Have a good night.
Your newest follower
What a wonderful example you are (and others I know like you) to welcome so many children into your homes and hearts! I only have three (and since I am now single, it’ll stay that way) and some days are so crazy I can’t imagine how moms with so many can do it, but I know that you love each one so much that once in your family, you can’t imagine them not being a part of it.
Beautiful thoughts on adoption. I am impressed with your beautiful family.