just a photo today as I’m busy taking care of sick children and a sick husband due to a stomach virus. Please, oh please, can we all get it as soon as possible so it doesn’t spread out for weeks?
© 2007-2010 Chocolate on my Cranium, LLC all rights reserved
So sorry you have sick ones. I did last week and it about did me in. Take care of yourself!
umm all these photos of you makes me realise that special dark looks like you the most out of all your kids!!!
Sending healthy vibes your way!!! (And prayers, too.) Get well everyone so Mama can get back to her writing.
Yuck, Yuck….hope the crud goes away soon.
Cute pictures! I love all of your different expressions! And I really hope all of that sickness goes away quickly!! Sending ~*~Healthy Vibes~*~ your way!
Super cute!
Hope everyone gets well soon. It is never fun to be the Mom when it is sick time! (especially if you are sick too)
Get well soon!
I will pray for the washing machine’s continual and necessary use!! Good luck.
I feel for you, sending you some long distance hugs! Both my girls are sick, Im pregnant (with bad morning sickness, would it please just go away) and my husband is working 16ish hours a day 5-6 days a week. Hopefully it goes away soon for all of us!