Sometimes we just know we are ready.
Ready to face the next big obstacle, to reach out, step by step and climb.
When the going gets tough we have to push ourselves, “I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.”
Even when we stumble and fall and it hurts.
At those times, it’s nice to have a little encouragement. To have someone tell you, “I believe you can. I believe you can. I believe you can.”
We know it has been worth the effort when we look back to see how far we really have come. “I thought I could. I thought I could. I thought I could.”
About the pictures: I was finally brave enough to move the wooden boxes and gate we had blocking the stairs from Hershey. She has been ready to conquer the stairs for a while, but I was not ready for her to do so. Our stairs are wood. There is a rock landing at the top and bottom. Older children have fallen down these stairs, hurting limbs, breaking teeth, getting bloody and bruised. So I kept the stairs blocked. Last week, Hershey was at the top of the stairs, babbling in her own language to her siblings, who were downstairs, to come and get her. And I realized I was holding her back. I moved the boxes, placed pillows on the rock landing, and let her go.
You’ll be happy to know she passed with flying colors just as she knew she could.
© 2007-2010 Chocolate on my Cranium, LLC all rights reserved
isn’t it a bizarre realization when we catch ourselves holding our kids back…trying to keep them in the safe bubble?
i caught myself at the beginning of the school year when I didn’t let J go to a high school football game without us. i was so scared that something would happen to her. then i realized, we have been doing our job teaching her right from wrong for the past 15 years. it was time to see if she was really ready, that meant letting her go. she had a great time and she even reported kids making bad choices saying, “I am glad I know better and that makes me way cooler than any of them.”
so true. so true.
i love the carpet strips on your stairs.
Way to go, Hershey! 🙂 That’s great!
I need to teach our little one to handle the stairs, but I am avoiding it, as well. Did you maker her pants? If so, what pattern?
I have caught myself doing the same thing sometimes to our children. Mamarazzi said it way better than I, but I totally agree with her comment. 🙂
Beautiful pictures. (the one of her face as she realizes her accomplishment is priceless…as are the pillows! :D)
I did make her pants! I used this pattern at From an Igloo. It whips up so fast I made four pants in under an hour. I need to make her some more as this batch made three months ago is starting to get too short. The pants fit perfectly over cloth diapers. 😀
Love the knit pants and chubby creases on her arms…..
I just need to let my baby get down! Holding him too much may be holding a back bit too. Thanks for the reminder
Oh, I sometimes miss those days! What a cutie! 🙂
Way to go Girl! Love the loving parental support-especially the pillows!
How old is Hershey? My son just climbed up two stairs at my sister in laws this weekend and I just about died. I need to teach him how to go down the stairs.
Awesome! Thanks. I’ll download the pattern and get cutting. She’s adorable, as always.
My children are 19, 21 and 22 years old and I have to say that I’m still as protective as the day they were born. But they are very sweet and call me to let me know they are ok and they know I’m always there for them when they “fall”.You are a wonderful mother.
Plan B
Good job, Hershey!
It’s so hard letting them go!!