I need your help!
In February, Heart of the Matter is hosting a 10 Days of Homeschooling Blog Hop. This hop is a bit different in that they have asked just 16 homeschool bloggers, each with a different focus on homeschooling, to write 10 posts each about our area of ‘expertise.’ The posts will run the weekdays of February 7th – 18th.
Here are all the areas of homeschooling that will be covered.

AMAZING, right? As you can see on my own little button up there on the top row, I have been asked to write posts about homeschooling a large family (surprise, surprise!).
And now here’s where I plead and beg (please, please, please) for your help! I have some ideas for posts (pulling a few from my archives) about how we schedule, homeschooling with toddlers and babies in the mix, choosing curriculum for the whole family, etc. BUT I NEED MORE!
What questions would you like answered about homeschooling a large family?
Thank you!
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I guess I don’t wonder so much about the large part, but the part where everyone has a different personality.
For example: my son (5) is so willing to learn anything and everything he can from ME. My daughter (3) already thinks she knows everything. I don’t know how to teach her the basics that I have taught him when her personality is so different and a little more demanding.
And the sharing of time when they’re both so young and both need my attention.
I can’t wait to read your post on this! Big time- the scheduling thing- when all the kids are on new, different chapters- how to juggle the one on one attention needed; also…chores! how to designate chores; what about fighting? how to manage/prevent fights/arguments with lots of kids? or is it just mine that do that?;) how to incorporate one on one time other than school time-private dates? hope this helps! good luck! you are so talented-thanks for sharing all your ideas!
Is it February yet?? I’m super exited to read the posts for this blog hop!
My question is, how do you figure out which subjects work best for your children to do together as a whole and which are better off being done on an individual basis? I’m not sure that made sense…I’m trying to gear up for when I have three homeschoolers next year instead of one and wondering when I should combine them and when I shouldn’t. What’s your experience been like in grouping your children together for certain subjects/lessons? Since you have more levels of education to consider, I figure you’ve experienced this many times over.
Did that make more sense? Hope so, because that’s as good as it’s going to get coming out of my brain tonight;) Thanks!
I wonder how you accommodate a child with a speech delay or speech impediment. My own daughter has a lateral lisp issue and is using the speech department resources of our local school system. This question could be more broad based by asking how you accommodate a child with special learning needs or disabilities requiring professional intervention. Thanks!
I have to admit I’ve always wondered how you (or anyone else!) taught so many children at the same time? It seems completely overwhelming. There must be some secret….
I don’t know if you have a post about this already (and if you do, how I missed it!) but I would like to know how to teach all ages the same subject.
Now that I have a Gr. 6, Gr. 4 and K it is tricky to sit them all down and learn the same thing. I want them to learn at their grade level so how do I make it seem fair that Gr 6 does MORE work then Gr. 4?
Just a thought.
How about how to handle laundry and other household responsibilities with a large homeschooling family.
I echo some of the above questions: how do you juggle educating so many different ages and levels? Also, what do you do with your little ones, as in 3 and under, particularly babies!? How do you keep them entertained or “out of your hair” so you can get things done with the older children?
What about the pros and cons of having older ones help school younger ones? How do you make it enriching for both? I remember learning best when I was teaching. Do you do that? If so, how?
Just a thought…
Best of luck!
how do you handle the noise!!
ha thats not really a question but yesterday after our first day back at school (australian school year runs end of jan till begin of dec) and the noise in our house was unbareable. I actually thought of you and thought arrrggg how does anyone have like 8 children. the noise would do me in.
so not really a homeschool question.. but is it noisy at your house???
I am so excited to read all this upcoming goodness! Honestly, I would love to know how you do ALL you do, and still stay sane! I want a big family and I want to home school, but as a young mother I am finding out that it is hard to get time on my own to “re-group”. Do you need time on your own? Quiet time? Study time? And if you do, do you feel guilty about being away from your kids.
Maybe I’m just too selfish and would like to know how NOT to be selfish! I look forward to whatever you write about!
Yeah! I am so excited to hear what is working for other families out there. My four children and I did the chocolate unit (thanks so much) over Christmas and loved it! I have never taught in units before but I would love to incorporate some more. I know you have a couple sites listed on your blog. What other resources do you use to teach in thematic units and how often do you work on a unit.
Also, I was wondering how you keep the kids accountable for their schoolwork. Do you look at everything, keep a record book of grades etc.? Thanks so much for enriching my homeschool experience!
I am curious about balance. Homeschool is a lifestyle. You seem to be able to fit in so many things – cooking, sewing, teaching, reading, callings, time without husband’s help (I’m guessing, my husband is a bishop too.), personal interests, seminary, lots of your own reading. I don’t know when you find time to sleep. I’m wondering about schedules and balancing life with the needs of each of your children.
he he, I just posted a similar plea! Looks like you have gotten some great responses already!
Well, we just turned 8 (as in family of 8), and I’d love to know how much is too much when it comes to having the older children help out. Should I feel guilty that I asked ds14 to hold the baby {again} while he is doing his math, so I can help one of the other littles? Large family logistics take some getting used to, I’m learning, as we grow.
When do you have tome for yourself? Even just to blog as much as you do.
What about when you have a younger sibling that is brighter than an older one? Sibling conflict?
Do they fight? How do you handle it, and how do you discipline when you are schooling.
How do you school so many with a new baby?
How do you accommodate so many different personalities?
I might have more 🙂 later.
I remember…. how do you keep so organized with so many. How do you keep the paper straight and knowing who is doing what when.
How do you include or organize the smaller ones, like special dark and hershey?? And as I am really glad (being a teacher myself) that others teach my children, how do you do it? My schoolkid thinks I’m cool and all, but she wouldn’t bare me teaching her and I can’t even handle checking on her while she does her homework. It makes me nervous, when she thinks she knows better, but I do know “better”.
Actually I can’t wait for the time when my smaller boys leave the house too for school, even though I know I’ll hate how school will suck them in and give them alot of badexperiences too.
Actually I imagine it to be easier to teach several kids in all ages, as they can also teach each other, right?
I would love to know how you adapt your school when you are pregnant or have a new baby? Do you take a break, go with a lighter school load, or do you keep it similar to normal?
Ok..you asked for it!!
1. I have 3 kids (10,7,5) and we have MUCH CHAOS. Please do a post about THE CHAOS! Surely, homeschooling a large family is different than homeschooling 3….I need to know that you have bad days too and that CHAOS is ok!
2. Do you have any “problem” homeschoolers…like…one that hates math, a daydreamer, a procrastinator…one (or two, or three, or four) that give you trouble?
3. How do you deal with all of your children needing your attention at one time? Tell me what a typical homeschooling day is like for you!!