With all the sickness and getting up all hours of the night to help the littles the past couple of weeks I didn’t get around to really writing the homemaking post I wanted to for today. Instead I thought I’d share some of the homemaking resources I’ve found. Some I have used, others I haven’t but have wanted to!

Free Resources:
The Future Christian Homemaker’s Handbook – all lessons are free and available to download right from that webpage. Most lessons cover cooking and baking but there are also lessons on cleaning, laundry and sewing.
Creating a Home Management Binder – Tipnut has TONS of links to ideas and free printables.
Free University Courses from BYU – These change periodically. Right now they are offering courses on gardening, personal finance, building a functional family, and personal development courses.
Family & Consumer Science Lesson Plans from Utah Education Network.
Purchased Resources:
Complete Home Economics Course from Christian Light Publications. This course from the Mennonites contains ten workbooks covering topics such as basic sewing, nutrition, cooking, housekeeping, creating clothing, child care and development, and more. We have used this course with our three oldest daughters. I think it’s time to get it out again with the next two! It is geared for older children (12 and up) but we have used it with success with younger ones.
Home Economics for Homeschoolers from Pearables – similar to above but geared for younger children starting at age 6.
Homestead Blessings Videos – Wonderful videos for those who are visual learners. The West Ladies show you the basics of homemaking from gardening, candle making, quilting and sewing, to canning and bread making. We really want to get The Art of Soap Making and The Art of Dairy Delights. Homemade yogurt and cheese, yum!
Do you know of any other homemaking resources out there?
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sorry to hear that you have sickies, again. Been a bad year for bugs circulating and re-circulating. Anyway, try tiphero.com for a wealth of free ideas and links to lots of homemaking and other stuff.
Thanks for these links – I was looking for something just like this for today. I appreciate your sharing the information!
These links will be helpful for our Summer Camp curriculum. Thanks!
I wish I had time to read and study all of that…how will I find the time???
The county extension office (at least here in my county, CACHE COUNTY UTAH, has fabulous resources. Also, google “ag in the classroom” to be taken to a host of sites that have great resources and lesson plans for nearly anything agriculture based that you can think of including, cooking, gardening, sewing, raising animals, etc. Many ag departments also have FREE printable lessons/ideas and low cost activities you can order. USU/ Cache County has a great unit on wool production with a great spinning activity that you only need a nifty little hook with the wool (both provided) to make some spiffy bracelets. Kids of all ages love to do this. Have fun!
These are great resources! I had no idea about the free BYU courses. I’m going to check them out
I love http://houseoforder.com/
Marie Ricks is one of my favorite gurus
Thank you for posting these I have been wanting to take some classes in something but didn’t want to have to pay for anything. {When it comes down to it I’ll choose the sick kid over the Final exam…} I’m excited to go through these this weekend so I can really read them and start some courses.
Thank you so much!!