Homeschooling is demanding.
Motherhood is demanding.
Combine the two together and what do you get?
Wonderful demanding days full of teaching, snuggling, cooking, reading, guiding, serving and nurturing. In the midst of all the good things we do each day we may think ourselves to be selfish if we do not say yes to every worthy cause that comes our way. Yet the Savior himself would sometimes withdraw temporarily from the pressing needs of the multitudes (see, for example, Luke 5:16). Surely, this helped Him serve others with renewed strength. Taking the example of the Savior then, we too must sometimes withdraw temporarily from the pressing needs of the multitudes (our children, our family) in order to renew our strength to better serve them. We can not draw water from an empty well!
Hearkening back to my first post in this homeschooling blog hop Rocks, Pebbles, Sand and Structure time to recharge myself is one of my pebbles. Hopefully as you read this post it will become clear why it is not one of my rocks. There are four areas (rocks) that I try to do each day. These keep me grounded and charged to fulfill all the other demands of the day.
Spiritual. On those days when I have not taken the time in the morning to study the scriptures, pray with real intent (not just go through the motions, and meditate on what I feel the Lord would like me to do I feel like a slug – slow, slimy, and just plain blech. Taking time for the Lord first not only helps me spiritually but it gives me strength to carry on through the rest of the days demands. I need that power of faith!
Emotional. It warms my heart to have one of my children unexpectedly come give me a big slobbery kiss and tell me they love me. They have learned to do this by watching their father and how he treats me. Knowing that I am loved and cherished by my family gives me just the boost I need many times.
Physical. While I try to take a 30 minute walk outside everyday it is not always possible. Just stepping outside then to view the beauty of the mountains and farm fields that surround me can provide a physical uplift. Taking a 15 minute power nap also helps in tremendous ways. Try it!
Mental. Just carving out 15 minutes to pursue an interest, learn something new, or cultivate a talent keeps my intellect growing. Education is life long. Homeschooling mothers really know this! How many times do we learn right along with our children?
If I have first filled my jar with rocks in those four areas I find my moments of needing to remove myself from the multitudes are less but they aren’t eliminated entirely. For me, I need to do that about once every other week. For you the need may be more or less. Whatever your need, it is okay to take that time to recharge! What you do to recharge will be different from what I do. And that’s okay too!
So what do I do to recharge? (all these are done by myself – no children allowed)
Peruse the library (we don’t have any bookstores in our small town). Visit a friend. Take a long walk (over an hour). Window shop. Dates with my husband. Garden. Visit the temple.
What do you do to recharge?
Heart of the Matter has partnered with 16 of the most inspiring, lovely, and just plain awesome bloggers in the homeschool community to bring you 10 days, 160 posts full of resources for those starting out, burned out or need new ideas.
Be sure to visit these brilliant women in this 10 days adventure between February 7th-18th! We love these ladies and we know you do too.
10 days of socialization for mom | The Homeschool Chick
10 days of classical education | Milk & Cookies
10 days of large families | Chocolate on My Cranium
10 days of special needs | Special Needs Homeschooling
10 days of struggling learners | Homeschooling the Chaotic Family
10 days of homeschooling girls | Homegrown Mom
10 days of homeschool enrichment | Confessions of a Homeschooler
10 days of building a spiritual legacy | Mommy Missions
10 days of frugal homeschooling |The Happy Housewife
10 days of Charlotte Mason | Our Journey Westward
10 days of unschooling | Homeschooling Belle
10 days of organization | Confessions of an Organized Homeschool Mom
10 days of getting started | Blog, She Wrote
10 days of homeschooling boys | The Tie That Binds Us
10 days of homeschooling Montessori | Fruit in Season
10 days of preschool | Delightful Learning
© 2007-2011 Chocolate on my Cranium, LLC all rights reserved
I escape to a book and attend an aqua pilates class at our local Y. Reading through your post made me realize that I need to make time each day for the spiritual. Thanks for the reminder.
I use to be a long distance runner but have found hardcore exercise to be too depleting for me at this stage. Slow walks and slow deep breathing are my new strategy for physical renewal.
I do enjoy kitchen dance parties, either by myself or with the kids – that makes me feel like I’m 15 again!
I miss having girl friends for girls night out.
Right now it is a date with dh. He really understands me, and with that small time out, we get to both recharge.
I really needed this post today thank you.
Running is a release for me but it is work too and it isn’t always something I would call relaxing and as Alison noted above it is tiring. I’ve had to cut down a bit on my miles because I find I am too tired to do what is required of me.
Other ways I recharge? Napping, gardening, reading, and listening to my husband play the piano.
I have enjoyed all your posts these last two weeks Cocoa. Thanks for all your insight and ideas.
Judi 🙂
Sounds very similar to my “rocks” and “pebbles”. I usually like to have something to look forward to every couple of weeks or so as well. My hubby and I do date nights in a couple of times a month, and on his lighter work weeks, I might sneak away to the library and hide in a study carrel with my bible, journal, and some magazines. Ahhhh, bliss! And occasionally I have girlfriend nights too, but those are not as often.
I have loved your posts! Thanks for contributing to this series!
Hi, new to your blog. Nice to meet you.
I like to play the piano to recharge. Works everytime.
Nice post, thanks for the reminder to do the necessary things first and then everything else falls into place.
Hi Tiffany. I’ve been following your blog the past 2 weeks with the Heart of the Matter “10 days” – I have loved your posts. I’ve learned a lot from your words of wisdom & been equally encouraged. Thank you for sharing.
For “me” time, I like to practice the cello (I’m a beginner,) read a book or magazine, or if I’m fortunate enough to get out of the house alone, I LOVE browsing bookstores.
I love your honest home pictures. I put so much stress on us all to make our home perfect all the time and miss those wonderful moments being stressed! I am working on allowing less perfect and more time/love.