The lesson for my Primary class today is on Jesus Cleanses the Temple. Not only will we talk about the account of Jesus cleansing the temple in Jerusalem of the money changers but we’ll apply that to our own lives as well. We’ll learn how we should be respectful in holy places (temple, church, homes) but also how we should show respect for our bodies. (1 Corinthians 3:16-17)

This past Thursday we had a wonderful day going to Reno with all of the older cousins (12 and up) and their parents to attend the temple. It was a beautiful experience. These older ones remember when the Reno Temple was dedicated on April 23, 2000. They remember going to the open house, touring the whole inside, seeing the beautiful rooms, feeling the sacredness of the temple.
It is the same for temples all over the world. Every temple is sacred and holy. When a new temple is built or an older one renovated there is always an open house where the whole public is invited. In other countries outside of the USA there are major cultural celebrations put on by the youth of the church in that temple district. They prepare for months to dance and sing in their native costumes sharing their heritage and also testimonies of the gospel. Here is a video of the Youth Cultural Celebration for the Kyiv Ukraine Temple dedicated in the fall of 2010.
Do you see the light shining in their countenances?
If you live anywhere in the Atlanta, GA area there will be an open house for that temple which was recently renovated running from April 9th – April 23rd. You can read more about it here. Looks like there will also be a cultural celebration too!
And for those who are not LDS but are curious about why we build temples here is a short video.
I am grateful for temples. They are a refuge, an holy, sacred place of learning. I love going there, feeling the peace that surrounds it.
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I am thankful Mr. Ferrero Rocher and I were married in the Salt Lake Temple – not only for time or “till death do us part” but for eternity. Our family can be together forever!
If you are interested in knowing more about temples, their purpose and use, e-mail me at chocolateonmycranium {at} live {dot} com with your mailing address and I’ll send you a copy of the special booklet above. It contains beautiful pictures of temples from around the world – both inside and out – as well as articles explaining what temples are used for, what goes on inside, etc.
© 2007-2011 Chocolate on my Cranium, LLC all rights reserved
When I was a youth we were always taught respect for our bodies as temples.
This has always been something that I have remembered and been greatful. It kept me out of trouble on more than one occation. 🙂
Good luck with your lesson. (today in nursery we are playing with playdough! :D)
My in laws are on their way to Atlanta in the next week or so to begin their mission…I hope they get a chance to be there and help with the open house/rededication!
My sister lives in Atlanta and I went to that temple (before the renovations) a few years ago. I hope she gets to go to this open house.
I taught that lesson today too. It sure has me thinking about temples even more today. I love that you had such a big group of family together in the temple. I don’t have extended family who are members and that is such a blessing.
I literally sobbed throughout that entire ukraine video!! I always love stories like that. Whenever I read articles in the ensign about people who walk 10 hours to church or how the church is growing in small far away places it makes me so happy. What a wonderful event they had!
My daughters asked why we didnt do any dancing for our temple open house!! lol. I said Australians sadly dont have national dress or a national dance 🙂
What a beautiful video (the Ukraine one). Our temple was dedicated last year too (Vancouver), but since demand was so great we didn’t get a chance to go to the temple youth celebration held for it. It is so wonderful to have a temple 40 minutes away instead of a four hours away.
Great post-thanks!