Homeschooling is tough! There are so many different things to keep track of and think about, especially when there are a large number of children in a family. Now that my three oldest are 15, 14 and 12 there are helpers to switch duties keeping the younger ones entertained while I help the others do school. I have been asked countless times, “You have older ones now who help with the younger kids but how did you do school when your oldest was only 5 or 6 and there were toddlers and a baby to take care of too?”
I’ve been trying to think back when my oldest was five. We had four little ones at the time. I remember feeling like I wasn’t accomplishing very much. It seemed as if my days were filled with getting just the basics of cooking and cleaning done. My mother-in-law wisely encouraged me to keep plugging along. She said, “Years down the road you’ll look back at this time and truly be amazed at all you were able to get done. It’s hard to see when you’re in the thick of it.” She was right!

1. Start with a basic routine.
Kids thrive on routines! Yes, there are many interruptions because of the baby but there is a basic routine to the day. We wake, eat, do chores, go to bed, at specific times every day. My children love picture charts at this age (3-5) to remind them what needs to be done and when. We have charts for the morning and charts for the evening. The physical act of moving a picture from the to-do side to the done side is fun for them. Keep things simple. I can’t stress that enough! Less really is more at this age. And it’s all about developing good habits.
2. Meet the needs of the littlest ones first by feeding, changing and playing with them.
Then make use of a good baby sling. My babies always seem to want to be held or at least want me in eye-sight. I haven’t kept track but I’m pretty sure at least half of our homeschooling has occurred on the couch with children surrounding me while I nursed the baby. Still happens today! I highly recommend reading this article “The Baby IS the Lesson” by Diane Hopkins. I read it during the time when I had four under five and it helped to change my perspective about homeschooling with so many little ones about. I didn’t feel like such a failure!
3. Teach little ones to play independently.
Some people use walkers, playpens, or johnny-jump-ups for their babies to keep them in a safe spot for several minutes. Toddlers can learn to play and stay in the same area of a room as well. We rotate toys on a weekly basis so they seem knew and keep the toddlers’ attention. We also have file folder games and board books that get switched out on occasion.

4. For young children (3 – 6) school lessons should be kept short and simple.
There is no need for fancy plans or elaborate projects. Ten to fifteen minutes is a good place to start, working your way up to thirty minutes. It’s easier though when the lessons are broken up into 15 or 20 minute segments scheduled around the baby’s feeding, blanket, or nap times. Take advantage of learning moments that happen throughout the day. Honestly, at this age, you can go with the flow. They are so naturally curious about everything. You don’t need to cover all subjects, every day. We usually only had a four-day school week with the fifth set aside as a fun day of going to the library, park, or more involved projects.
5. Find or make up your own songs that teach basic concepts.
We love to sing! We make up songs to tunes we already know to help our children remember things better. Musical Notebooks is a good product we’ve used with success.
6. READ. Read books constantly.
Many times I think that’s all we were able to do in a day. I gave the littler ones their own board books to chew on and flip through while I read to and with the older ones. There are many lessons to be learned from a good book.

Monday’s post . . .Homeschool Planning
I love this! I recently found your site and thought the same exact question you put at the top of your post. We are going to register my daughter for kindergarten for next fall, but I still feel like we should homeschool her. My husband is worried (rightfully so) about me burning out with everything (20 mo old and 8 wk old too). Thank you for your inspiration.
This was such a good post! So many great things in it, now I just need to time to implement them into my life. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the idea of a chore chart that has pictures that can be moved from one side to the other!!
Thank you for sharing you info. My oldest turned 4 last week. I have a 22 month old and twins due in May. We would like 6 kids. Its great to see someone successfully
Ah, I am right in the thick of this post. I have been felling a little discouraged lately. Thank you for the words of encouragement.
Just stumbled upon your blog today and so glad I did! This post was what I needed. I have three little ones under 5 with another due in July, giving us 4 under 5. 🙂
Thanks for the reminder about cherishing these times as they’re little.
God bless!
Wow, I can’t tell you how helpful these posts have been for me this week. My kids are little 3 and 18 months and so I still have a lot of time to “get my act together” but hearing how you’ve done it really has given me motivation. Thank you for sharing.
I read that article a couple months before we had our 4th. And it was a real big help. So after I had B we took a couple months off and let the baby be the lesson. We learned all about our newest member and how to handle him. I think it really help foster a good start in te brother’s relationship.
thank you for this post. i feel like i can breathe again. hope that isn’t too dramatic…
Great post!