“A special gift is kindness,
Such happiness it brings,
When I am kind to others,
My heart sings!”
There have been so many acts of kindness, both big and small, shown to me throughout my life. Each has changed me in some way.
The most unexpected, simple gift of kindness I received was on November 18, 2008.
I was feeling very blue that day, not really comprehending why. My husband came home for lunch and seeing my low state took me out for a drive and some fresh air. When we returned my girls giddily handed me a bag of chocolates. “P— (my SIL) dropped this off while you were out. We think she got mixed up because it’s not your birthday for nine more days still!”
I opened the little attached card to read “Thinking of you today.”
And then a flood of emotions spilled out. This was the day my miscarried baby had been due to be born. How had she remembered? Had she written it down so many months ago, marking the date on the calendar? I don’t know. I just know she remembered and she did something about it.
How many times have I remembered someone else’s struggles but failed to do anything about it? Just doing some thing – making a phone call, sending a letter, giving a hug, sharing chocolate – goes a long way in helping someone. Through that experience I have tried to think more about others. It is a healing balm in itself to serve.
As a side note: I have done much better in trying to help people, but usually I have found my SIL has already been there! That is one of her divine gifts.
Today’s Wordfull Wednesday topic is “Share a random act of kindness someone showed to you that helped you in turn to be aware of others and spread the kindness.” Write a post and come link it up here!
© 2007-2011 Chocolate on my Cranium, LLC all rights reserved
I think it’s the small things that touch us the most.
What an amazing example and friend. You are truly blessed. Thank you for sharing.
Wow, remembering is a huge act of kindness in itself.
As RS President I have tried to implement a “Be the Good in the World” program, so the sisters could report on random acts of kindnesses they have done for others. It is sort of a tattle-tale minute in our opening exercises. Just so that it would catch on and they would all go about doing good. My journey to this goal began 29 years ago, when I was a brand new convert. We were surprised one day by a big burly red-headed man who said he was our home teacher. My husband talked briefly with him, because our tiny little farmhouse’s wooden basement was caving in, and he was hand digging it out to shore it back up. We were leaving in a few days to go to CA to visit my dying mother. When we came back, late at night, when we pulled into our driveway we were astonished to see a huge pile of dirt next to the house-the job completed. When we went to Church, none of the men would admit to helping, but, my husband sneakily found out that a bucket brigade had been set up, and those wonderful men hand dug the entire basement. From that point forward, I always prayed that I would be rich enough (spiritually as well as temporally) to pay our debts and be able to help others. We were blessed to inherit an old motel and trailer park three years ago, and have been able to do just that. God knows each of us personally, answers our prayers in miraculous ways, and blesses us abundantly, so that we can spread it around.
I think those reminders that someone else remembers me are what I love most. How lucky you are to have such a SIL:)
To remember a certain day really shows our awareness of others doesn’t it? The fact that your sister-in-law remembered you on that particular day is very tender.
It reminds me of another act of kindness 🙂 . . . For a few years after the passing of my mother a certain sister in the ward I grew up in would contact me on the anniversary of my mother’s death. To think someone else remembered me on that day really helped ease the pain of loss.
Thanks for this topic today Cocoa – I really needed it. What beautiful stories have been shared. I have been uplifted and inspired. You have amazing blog followers!
I have noticed that often it is the simple but thoughtful acts that mean the most to me. I have tried to remember to do those same things for others.