Two years ago I posted how we have a General Conference Wall to remind us of what we heard during General Conference. It has been a great, and very visible, way to review what we learned in the weeks following conference. Now that I have several teenagers I made another set of General Conference Wall posters. These only have the name of one of the First Presidency or Quorum of the Twelve.
Each of my teens will get a different color of post-it notes to transfer a few of their impressions from each apostles’ talks. The post-it notes will then be placed on the appropriate apostles’ poster. We’ll be reading these for FHE the Monday following General Conference as well as reviewing what subjects the younger ones put the pictures of the apostles on for their General Conference Wall. It’s a good thing we have a lot of wall space!
Here’s the link for the Teen General Conference Wall if you’d like to do it too.(For some reason the border around each apge got messed up a little when converted to the pdf file, but it still looks okay)
Teen General Conference Wall.pdf
© 2007-2011 Chocolate on my Cranium, LLC all rights reserved
Cool idea!
You never cease to amaze me with ALL that you do in the same number of hours as the rest of us. Great way to get them involved and to review important words of our prophet and leaders.
What a totally amazing idea!! With teenagers of my own, this is a keeper!!
That’s a fantastic idea! Thanks for sharing.
This is a really good idea!! thank you so much for sharing!!!
I printed these out and we are filling them with post it notes of thoughts from talks. Thanks so much!