Spring is coming! The air has that ‘smell’ to it – of wet and dirt and sunshine.
The weather is warmer, even when the wind blows. There is no longer a bite to it.
The kids raced through their school on Friday just so they could go out and play. Even little Hershey likes to “write.”
From 10am until dark they were outside playing, playing, playing wearing themselves out.
Cookie was happy she hadn’t forgotten how to ride a bicycle.
The snow on the mountains reminds us that even though the weather is nice now it can still turn in a heartbeat.
Here, let me help you climb up the rock wall.
Hershey, listening to her brother tell her a story.
Snack time! These two like to pretend they are dogs and are usually found ‘lapping’ it up from bowls on the floor.
The older girls and I were inside watching the news about the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. The New York Times shows some amazing before and after photos of the devastation.
It is interactive, you move that blue slider in the middle of each photo to the before and after. It was great to show the younger children and discuss with them what occurred, what we can do to help, and how blessed we are right now.
© 2007-2011 Chocolate on my Cranium, LLC all rights reserved
we are just noticing the same thing… about Autumn! There is finally a cool lovely breeze both morning and afternoon. I have been sitting on my deck enjoying it… and working on a post about it!! enjoy spring as we head into winter brrrrrr
PS glad my kids arent the only ones who like to eat and drink like dogs!!
I felt the same thing this morning at 5 on my morning walk. I only needed a jacket and not gloves at all.
I used to keep maps under plastic sheeting on our dining room table, too.
I love the warmer weather, although we have lots of snow, it is quickly melting and I don’t miss it a bit! 🙂
My student (that really became like a daughter to me) lives in Tochigii prefecture (close tokyo) and they got hit pretty hard. Not as hard as the rest of Japan, but still scary. We truly are blessed.