
The word conjures up images of mother or grandma baking in the kitchen, or doing housework,
or gathering eggs, wood,
or flowers.

It brings to mind days of yore when aprons protected the few dresses one owned.

An apron is a shield to protect from food and grease, dirt and grime.
It is also used to dry a child’s tears or wipe a sweaty (or perspiring) brow. It swats at pesky flies, shoos away unwanted taste testers, or bum pinching husbands.
It also makes housework more fun when dressed up like this!
At least that is what my daughters think. I think so too. So today I’m giving away this “Betty” apron, designed in honor of my grandmother.
Does the fabric look familiar?
I loved it so much I made an apron and still had enough material leftover to make a cute skirt.
I’m keeping the skirt but passing the apron on to one of my readers. The lucky winner will also receive our family cookbook that one of my daughters put together as a YW value project.
To enter to win just leave a comment telling me what your favorite household chore is to do. The giveaway will close on Friday, March 25 at 5pm PST.
© 2007-2011 Chocolate on my Cranium, LLC all rights reserved
Hmm, my favorite household chore to do is probably washing dishes by hand after a special meal.
Favorite Chore would be meal prep. My kids open up to me more during that time and talk about any and everything without any prying from me. I love it!
I think my favourite chore is doing dishes by hand..when there isn’t an overwhelming amount of them 😛 warm water is relaxing and I can unwind a bit with the kids doing something else in the other room
I think my favorite household chore is to vacuum. Something about the house being clean enough to vacuum and the lines in the carpet. What a fun YW project and very cute apron!
I love to vacuum! Its like making a bed, it just makes a room look fresh and clean. My kids love to clean toilets with a toilet brush, and I will let them keep that job and not spoil the fun for them 🙂
I love baking with my kids, but I don’t consider that a chore. I think my favorite has to be laundry — you take something stinky, dirty, and stiff, and magically turn it into something soft, clean, and fragrant. I love washing whole loads of little boy jeans, or whole loads of underwear, or whole loads of blue things, or whole loads of bedding. I call my laundry room “my office”. I want to put a picture of Mary and Martha on the wall.
Vacuuming is my favorite chore. With the floors picked up and the lines in the carpet, it makes the whole house look clean even if its not! 🙂
I can’t think of one… hmmm…ummm….still thinking…will this still count as an entry to the contest?
I have 2 favorite chores: wiping off the counters-the last step when cleaning the kitchen, and vacuuming. Both are finishing steps that make me feel like I have really accomplished something.
I love the apron! I bought a pattern (very similar to your apron-I always seem to get splatters up higher than my other apron covers.) and fabric about a month and a half ago and still haven’t started on it…I have never really sewn by myself. This contest has perfect timing because I was going to start my apron this weekend. Perfect inspiration to see yours pretty and complete!
I love aprons! In fact I have one on right now :).
My favorite household chore? I actually enjoy cleaning except when I have to,like today for instance, because we have a showing tonight! I especially love to organize drawers and closets. I enjoy dejunking. I like to vacuum too. I find it satisfying to tackle a really dirty job (like the chicken coop after the long winter) and see the results of hard work!
I have a love/hate relationship with laundry. Since moving across the country to a small apartment, I now have to drag it (along with a three year old) to the laundromat. It is really a pain to get up the desire to go, but once I get there I love it. I get to do tons of laundry at once so it all gets done, plus it all gets folded before I head home. That didn’t always happen when I had a washer and dryer at home. 🙂 I don’t mind dishes either now. I don’t have a dishwasher, so that was an adjustment but I think I am getting the hang of it now (after 7 years of marriage). At least this apartment has a disposal. Is this rambling???? sorry! 🙂
My favorite chore is wiping off the table. This is the first thing you see when you walk in our door and if it is clean the rest of the house seems cleaner as well.
I have recently learned to like cleaning. It is my time to think. When I get out the cleaning supplies my children scatter so I can really be alone, it is the only alone time I get. I get so much sorted out in my mind and am recharged when I am done.
My favorite household chore is putting a nice meal on the table! So satisfying when it actually gets eaten as well!
I wear the last one you made me often. In fact, when I get ready in the mornings, I put an apron on to complete my outfit. So everything I do in my home is my favorite thing to do in an apron (except sleep.)
I love to cook! Now that my kids are old enough to help, it’s even more fun.
Cooking is at the top, but I also love to have a clean kitchen when it’s all done. Thank you so much for a very kind giveaway. I’m almost more excited for the cookbook than the apron!
I love all aspects of meal planning and preparation! I enjoy going to the store to buy the groceries, then coming home and chopping and mixing the ingredients. I love smelling the wonderful aromas in the kitchen as it cooks. I think of fun ways to set the table and serve the meal and anticipate my loved ones enjoying it together.
My favorite household chore is ORGANIZING/MAKING PLANS FOR HOW WE’LL USE OUR TIME. I also love to throw things away and simplify…speaking of…I need to go do that right now!
What a beautiful apron! And ooh, I’d love that cookbook!
Wow, you are really stretching us to ask for our favorite chore. I guess making dinner. I enjoy having a great meal for my family.
What a gorgeous apron. I love it!
My favorite household chore would be sewing. There’s just something about being able to create (organize) something out of simple materials and have it become useful and beautiful. It seems to hint at a celestial work that just plain makes me happy.
Love your blog!
I guess I like dishes. I like the rewards of sweeping our hard floors but the circumstances have to be right to get it all done. I love clean laundry but hate folding but I can get 10 loads washed/dried/piled up no sweat!
My favorite household chore is sweeping/vacuuming the floor. I also like wiping down the kitchen counter tops and dusting. It seems like these chores make such a big difference to me in the way I feel when I’m at home. One more thing–I really enjoy shoveling snow. I grew up in an area with no snow, ever, but there is something wonderful about leaving my kiddo inside with Dad so I can go shovel the snow.
Chore? I am thinking about tomorrows WW topic and writing right now…and really, my role as a mother, wife, woman, etc…so much of my life could be looked at like a chore, but is not.
So if I had to pick a little part of it, I would have to say I love to do the meals. Planning, shopping, orginizing, all of it. I love it.
I know I have one of your aprons (the one your daughter is wearing in fact) and I love it, but I would love that one as well…because we all know a little pink (ish) goes a long way in MY house! 🙂 AND, I love recipe books, even if I don’t really follow a recipe, I love to look for inspiration.
I love to shovel snow. It makes me feel strong. I love to breath in the crisp, cold air. It gives me time to think and serve my neighbors.
Love the apron! I need more. Mine are falling apart. 🙂
I love cooking. There is nothing better than making delicious, healthy food for my family. The planning out of what to make and the preparing is really a pleasure for me. And it is an extra special treat when one of my kids wants to help.
Not many other chores can I say that about, well none really!!
My favorite would be dishes. It can be hard work but the result is always satisfying.
I think my favorite chore is dusting. It is one of the first chores I gave my little ones as soon as they could hold a rag. They are so proud of themselves for being able to help Momma. And I love the time we spend together and just how much nicer the room looks when we’re done 🙂
My favorite chore is washing the dishes! I don’t have a dishwasher and my husband threatens to get one every so often, but I seriously do not want one.
Love the apron!
Vacuuming. I love to vacuum, and do so daily.
I like organizing the guest/craft room. It gets easily disorganized but it gives a sense of accomplishment to put it back together and then inspires more craftiness.
I actually love laundry…When I haven’t allowed myself to get too far behind. Ha!
But I loathe cooking dinner. I might love it in an adorable apron, though. Can a girl dream?
I think my favorite chores are finishing up the kitchen before bed wiping the counters down and mopping the kitchen floor. Also, I love to vacuum I feel that I have really accomplished something when I see those clean lines on the carpet. Andre’a
I like to clean my sink–a nice shiny sink clean of dishes makes me think the entire house is clean(whether it is or not).
Way to put a postive spin on things that at times can be dregery.
My favorite is vacuuming. I like to see the clean floors.
Thanks for the cute photos.
Favorite Chore? Is there really such a thing? If it was a favorite would it still be considered a chore? LOL
Well If I have to choose one of those dreadful things, I’d have to say sweeping my floor. I walk around barefoot from the time the temp out side warms up to the 60’s to the time it drops in the fall. So a freshly swept floor doesn’t leave me feeling like I need to wipe my feet on something to get all the dirt off them 🙂
Very cute apron, Love it 🙂
My favorite chore is vacuuming- it does so much to make a room look brighter and cleaner:)
I love to wash the kitchen or bathroom floors by hand. I love that the cracks and crevices looks sooo much cleaner than when I do just a quick once over with the mop.
I love cleaning my kitchen sink. It makes me feel good to have it clean and helps me keep the rest of my kitchen clean. Thank you!!!
Ohh, that is a beautiful apron. I love your encouraging blog. My favorite chores would have to be working outside taking care of my chickens or garden or other animals and I also love baking bread.
My number one favorite is baking/cooking. It makes me feel good and in charge.
Next would be mopping the floors. The whole house smells clean. It also seems to make the whole house FEEL cleaner. (Even if it isn’t HA)
What a BEAUTIFUL apron. I only have one and it is Christmas themed. I am still using it of course, but once it needs washed, I am out of luck.
What a beautiful apron!! My favorite chore would have to be baking and cooking.
My three yr. old would probably say to put the shoes away. Mine is the laundry because it is clean! The bathrooms are my least favorite. I also love to organize! i always tell my husband I’m cleaning the house but he just says no you are organizing. Throwing out papers and trying to find a good place to put everything.
I like to mop. We have an all tile house and I love the look and smell of a fresh clean floor. I will ponder what I have read, pop my head phones in and listen to music, or just think about nothing practical at all.
What a sweet giveaway. I love this classic apron. My fav household chore to do is cleaning the counters. I don’t know why. Maybe because it’s the last step in making the kitchen and bathroom looking polished. Thanks for the chance to win! 🙂
My favorite household chore is clearing off and disinfecting the kitchen counters. Makes me feel like I live in a sparkly kitchen; and when the kitchen sparkles, the whole house seems to:)
You just reminded me that I have a pattern and material to make an apron that I bought last year before the decision to move turned my life upside down.
Anyway, my MOST favorite household chore would have to be vacuuming or wiping down the cupboards. I just find it relaxing. Which is good, as I don’t really like most household chores (laundry gets me EVERY TIME).
I think my favorite chore is doing the laundry. 🙂 I need some cute aprons so I can wear them around the house. 🙂
My favorite chore would be going out to take care of my chickens. I love going out with Olivia because she loves her chickens and just sits and talks to them. I also get excited every time I see the eggs and think its amazing what my ladies do. Then my other favorite chore is making yummy food with the eggs I just grabbed out of the coop : )
I love ironing! The smell, the heat, the steam and the feeling of accomplishment. It brings back memories of learning how to iron with my mother and grandmother!
Yeah! Count me in! 🙂 My favorite household chore is folding laundry (except socks). I love layers of colorful, clean-smelling clothes all sorted out and ready to be put away and worn again. (Socks, on the other hand, are just a big pile of irritation.)
call me crazy but I actually enjoy folding laundry. I don’t love doing the laundry but folding it into nice neat stacks while watching a movie or listening to music is very relaxing. Someone else has to put the piles of clothes away though!
I love that apron! So fun!
Man, I need to befriend some of these dishwashers and laundry folders! I’ll trade you — I actually like cleaning the toilets! I like how I can spray everywhere and not worry because I have to wipe it all down anyway. I told my husband that I would make us a million dollars by inventing a glove you can wear to really get things clean under the rim – the toilet brush just doesn’t hit all the spots, but fingers could reach. He wasn’t so enthusiastic and doubts it will sell well 🙂 Guess not.
Favorite chore? Vacuuming, at least when the kids are fighting, then I don’t have to listen to them anymore. Getting laundry done is also satisfying.
Depends on the day (&what is the worst) usually to vacuum, makes a big difference, sometimes it is the bathroom. Call me strange, I love a clean bathroom.
I LOVE aprons. I have several that my grandmother made before she passed away. I have one that she made saved to give to our daughter, her namesake.
As for favorite chore… I love to cook, so much that it probably shouldn’t count as a chore. Organizing… maybe that isn’t a chore either. Vacuuming, I guess that’s the one I would pick. I’m just glad you didn’t ask which one we don’t like!
My favorite chore is definately cooking. Good food is good for the soul. You aprons are adorable!
I don’t really have a favorite inside chore but I love love love to clean out our barn and clean up the yard. Does that count?
PS. I’ve been following your blog for a few weeks now and it is well worth my time!
I love doing laundry, especially sheets. I love to change the linens out and spritz the sheets with lavender water.
That apron is simply adorable.
I think mine would have to be cleaning the kitchen. I don’t like the dishes, but other then that.
By far, my most enjoyable chores are preparing dinner for my family and folding cloth diapers. And having cute cloth diapers makes diaper changing an enjoyable chore, so I can see how dressing up cute like your daughter would make chores more enjoyable as well.
You are such a talented lady! I am preparing to make my daughters Easter dresses (with the help of mom). Not my first sewing project, but my first one where I am determined to learn this art! Wish me luck!
I actually like cleaning the bathrooms…they are small and do-able and smell so good when they are clean.
Love the apron and cookbook!!
Cooking, baking, and cleaning bathrooms (anything but floors!)
My favorite chore would be baking. I love to bake and so do all my girls. Especially when it comes to planning fun desserts. I also love to dust the library. I usually manage to get sidetracked finding old friends that I can visit again in the pages of amazing stories.
Favorite chore…hmmmm… laundry. But we don’t have much laundry with just the 3 of us, so that’s probably why! 🙂
My favorite chore would be organizing/decluttering. I love throwing things away. I also love washing windows. It’s so nice when you can look out your window and have a clear view of God’s wonderful creation!
I’m a former Nevadan. Lived in Kings River, north of Winnemucca and have lots of relatives in the Battle Mountain and Fallon areas. Looking at the snow on your mountains reminds of my home in Nevada. OK, my favorite household chore is cleaning my windows and then freshly ironed curtains. I love your blog!
While I don’t like the picking-up-the-floor part of it, I love the vaccuming and mopping part! When I can get my hands on my in-laws carpet shampooer though, that is probably my most favorite! I love a clean floor to play on!
Favorite household chore? Yikes, I can’t really think of a favorite one, but my favorite is the end result. I love the feeling of a clean kitchen and living room. I love the feel of climbing into a freshly cleaned and made bed. So I guess my favorite chore would be getting to the end result.
My favorite chore…making the beds and opening the curtains. I love how it feels to start a new day fresh and ready.
My favorite chore is definitely the laundry. Oh, how I love the warm clothes as they come out of the dryer and the soft smell as you fold them. Mom told me I even used to crawl in the baskets of fresh laundry as a baby and play or fall asleep. I guess I haven’t changed. 🙂
And the apron is gorgeous. Where do you find the time to do so much!! It is wonderful.
I love all chores! Whacky? Yes. I was dubbed a “Holly Homemaker” from the start. My mom used to tease that I never actually played with my toys in an imaginative way. I always spent the whole time setting up the perfect home environment for them to live in and then I was done.
My favorite chore though is hanging out the laundry. I was introduced to it a few years ago in our home in Amish country. Everyone out there had a large line and there was always somehing on them. My neighbors used to laugh that I could fill all three lines of mine with pink clothing. (We have 5 girls) Some might find it drudgery, but I found it very theraputic, and I loved the fresh smell the laundry came in with.
My favorite household chore….lots of not favorites! But I like to make the bed. I love how calm it looks and clean too!!
Love the apron. I keep trying but they never turn out quite right. Family cookbooks are awesome.
I love to fold laundry. It is warm and it smells good!
Does eating count?! I really enjoy making meals also and like so many other commenters, I like to vacuum.
I love making the bed – it just makes the whole room feel much neater and cleaner.
My favorite chore is vacuuming! It makes everything feel clean, calm, and straightened. My least favorite…DISHES! I’ve learned to use my apron when I do dishes
because I usually end up all wet! Darling apron you’ve made!
My favorite chore would have to be cooking (does that count?) I LOVE to cook. If that doesn’t count as a chore, then it would have to be vacuuming. It’s the final touch on a clean house and just makes it look so good!Thanks for the chance, super cute aprons! valerie.stewart1@gmail.com
I think vacuuming is one of my favorite household chores. I love having clean floors!
I think my favourite house chore is to tidy, as in walking around the house, listen to music or your own thoughts and put things were they belong or giving them new places. In addition to this I LOVE washing clothes. The zen feeling of sorting clothes after colour, fabric and recommended washing temperature is cleansing and relaxing. It gives me a feeling of joy and having control over my world. And bake something to give away or freeze down for when we have guests. As in doing these things at the same time.
So I guess I love chores, because I could continue to list most of the other chores. But I think what I just describes basically is the perfect day of chores for me. Doing these things often result in a lot of other chores getting done as well, and when you do things systematically the chores are done in a wink of an eye and you feel so good afterwards.
Cooking and laundry are my favorite!
I love to vacuum! Vacuum marks make all the difference in my house. It can be a disaster area but once I have clean vacuum marks all over the carpet, the house looks so much better!
favorite? are you serious? oh alright…I actually like dusting. I use method almond oil to clean my wood and it smells DIVINE. plus, i feel like I am redecorating by taking things off the shelf and then putting them back on;)
Favorite? Gardening because I LOVE being outside inthe dirt. But since thatdoesn’t count as a household chore then probably vacuuming and dusting.
I would have to say my favorite chore is taking clothes off the line and folding them. The fresh smell of the laundry and the neat piles of folded clothes makes me happy. Ironically, my least favortie chore is putting away the folded clothes.
What a cute apron!
I love to vacuum–those lines make me so happy!
Mine would have to be vacuuming because I can still play with the kiddos by chasing them. they love it.
Does organizing count? I love organizing — I even teach workshops about it. If not, I’ll say laundry. But it’s because I’ve ORGANIZED my laundry room and system perfectly so it’s super easy and streamlined. 🙂
My mom always always worked in an apron.
I love to bake, with or without my kids’ help. Now that my children are getting older and less picky, I am learning to love cooking meals for them as well.
If those don’t count, I’ll have to go with vacuuming. I love how fast it changes the lok of a room from dirty to clean.
I love anything that is creative so… hanging pictures on the wall, rearranging furniture, finding pretty ways to store crayons, pens, untenciles, mugs… is that a chore though?
My most LEAST favorite is cleaning the bathroom I think!
I can say with certainty though, that wearing a pretty apron makes even chores seem a pleasure – I’d love to win one!!
I know this will sound crazy but I love to clean my bathroom, especially the toilet. I was on bedrest for a long time with my last pregnancy… so now each time I clean it I remember what a blessing it is to be able to do it myself! I also think of my precious baby boy and how much of a miracle he is:)
Hmmm, my favorite household chore is definitely vacuuming. I love how the sound drowns out everything else so I can kind of have a little mental escape for a few minutes. Also, the sound makes it easier to sing loud and off-key without being heard!
Sarah (creating-sarah.blogspot.com)
My favorite household chore is probably doing laundry nothing like seeing everything get clean again. What a great giveaway!
Ok, I don’t think I like any chore… but the one I usually do first if given a choice is the bathroom. Mainly because it is such a small room it can be done fairly quickly, and it doesn’t seem to get undone by little hands immediately…
This might sound strange, but my favorite chore is washing my baby’s cloth diapers.
Emily_Schaumann (at) hotmail .com
I love washing sheets and towels. They are so warm and fluffy. I could wash those all day long.
My favorite chore would have to be laundry. Just kidding! I actually really enjoy vacuuming because at my house it makes a big difference, and it also means the house is picked up.
My favorite chores are cooking and dishes. It’s so nice to have nice food and a clean kitchen!
Mopping my kitchen. When it’s done I have the most satisfied feeling-even if the floor is only clean for about 35 seconds.
I enjoy cleaning my kitchen. I love clean counters and sink. After school everyone gathers there for an after school snack and a moment to share what happened at school and I love when I don’t feel distracted.
I love cleaning the bathroom. Weird, right? It’s just so gratifying because it’s small and easy. And I love that it sparkles when it’s done!
New to your blog, I think I’ll be back often 🙂
I have never owned an apron believe it or not. I would say my favorite household chore is vacuuming.
I love cooking–but I don’t really count that as a chore. I think I actually like folding laundry. I just don’t do it as often as I should so it piles up and becomes a source of stress. But when I am actually going through the motions of folding I like living inside my head and enjoying the peace of the task.
We’ve only had a dishwasher for a few months, so…I love loading the dishwasher! And then turning it on and thinking about how many dishes I don’t have to wash by hand. I’m so grateful for that little machine.
Good gracious! My favorite is to do laundry and ironing.
Oh my heck you have 105 entries, lol! But you know how I love a great apron. 🙂
My favorite chore…vacuuming for sure. Or re-shelving books.
Favorite chore is to wash the dishes. I love the warm water when it’s cold at night and it seems to make the biggest difference in the cleanliness of my kitchen. A fantastic new apron would help me keep my front dry when washing all those dishes! Thanks!
I’ve always enjoyed vacuuming, but I think my favorite will always be the dishes, by hand. (I despise dishwasher machines!)
Even as a child I loved washing the dishes, we even had child-sized aprons, and I loved to put one on before getting started. (Oh, I do love aprons! 🙂
I don’t know if this counts as a household chore, but I love to garden. And I love having a clean bathroom. It seems like the whole house is clean when the bathrooms are sanitized and sparkling!
I love to organize and declutter! It gives me such a thrill! I also love to take a microfiber cloth and go around and make things shiny- somehow even if I only do a couple of things in each room the house seems so much cleaner 🙂
Thank you, Jessica
Probably doing the dishes … though it’s not really that I like doing them, but I like taking a sink full of dirt dishes and making them disappear LOL!
Folding clothes fresh out of the dryer! I love to look at nice, neat stacks of clothes. Very satisfying!
Great apron! My favorite chore is mopping my floors. I love to walk barefoot across a freshly cleaned floor! Thanks…
I love the apron, it’s beautiful! And my favorite household chore is cooking and baking-I love coming up with delicious meals for my family! 🙂
Thank you for offering such a generous giveaway!
My favorite household chore is setting the table to make supper- time special.
Mrs. White
The Legacy of Home
What a cute apron! My favorite chore is washing dishes… I’ve just always enjoyed it! It’s a good thing too, because we don’t have a dishwasher so I wash a lot of dishes. 🙂
amyflater (at) gmail.com
Favorite household chore……..I guess it would be cleaning the kitchen. I bake a lot so I try to keep it tidy.
My favorite household chore is cooking. I like it so much that I sometimes don’t want to share with my girls.
Favorite chore-putting fresh, clean linens on beds. Smells so good and feels fantastic when you get in!
I like to clean out my pantry and make it all nice and neat. Thanks for this great givewaway!
Mine is definitey cooking! I have been wanting an apron for SO long, but my hubby has been out of work for almost 3 years and I can’t buy one. I really really hope I win one!
I went to book club last month and we were all supposed to wear aprons, but I don’t have one. I know, pathetic. My favorite chore is loading the dishwasher. I just like getting all those dirty dishes out of sight. I always delegate unloading though.
Does making dinner while doing dishes and cleaning the kitchen, setting the table, and doing laundry all at the same time count as a chore? Dinner time, prep is my favorite chore. I love throwing on an apron and getting down to business. Get the sinks cleaned out then fill them back up again with whatever mess I decide to make.
I like to do laundry!
I love cooking dinner, but I don’t really consider it a chore. I am able to relax and create when I cook. So, I guess that I’d have to go with folding laundry because my mind can wander while I fold.
My favorite chore is vacuuming, since the white noise kind of transports me to a land of ignorant bliss. For a few minutes I have no idea what is going on in the house, and that’s ok!
My favorite household chore is vaccuming. I could do it all day and actually have to fight my kids for a chance because they love doing it too! Thanks for your amazing blog and for the opportunity to win this adorable apron. : )
I love vacuuming, makes a big difference
Cleaning the kitchen:)
I enjoy creating the chore charts, so my kids do the work! I also enjoy mopping the kitchen floor.
Washing dishes……hands down!
This apron is adorable. I came over from Raising Homemakers…….so I am new to your blog. Enjoyed myself so.
Thank you for having such a delightful giveaway!
Blessings, Linda
I as well came over from Raising Home-makers
so blessed & I will be back!
I love aprons & everytime some one comes to visit they ask me…”Can you make me one”? All of mine are from gift’s or goodwill! Ha! With 6girls they are getting worn out!
Time for some new ones…
I must say I love to wash dishes…
I enjoy the warm sudsey water & fellowshipping that goes on around me as I wash!
Our family “always” gathers around the sink area- a sink that one can stand in front of me…so chat away while I wash! 🙂
Thanks for this sweet give-away!
Come & visit me I am having one as well for a sweet friend that you would love to meet!
Hi, I’m visiting from A Wise Woman Builds Her Home. I love aprons! I’d have to say my favorite chore is laundry. I love to wash, dry and fold our clothes. Summertime and hanging them out makes it even better!
I am so blessed to be home taking care of my family and home and homeschooling. I didn’t always have this opportunity, so I know how blessed I am now. If I had to pick one chore that was my favorite I would say making and baking bread. Every three days, my daughter and I make bread. It is a special time I am sure we both will always cherish. It makes the house smell so good and lends a special comfort. It reminds me of being in my grandmothers kitchen.
FAvorite household chore is sweeping. Don’t know why.
What a pretty apron! My favourite household chore is cooking and baking, especially bread. There is just something about the feel of bread dough that I just love!
My favorite chore right now is laundry. I finally have a system in place that makes the chore a pleasure. I enjoy sorting it, washing, drying and folding; my children put it away. Soon I will be adding ironing into my laundry time; my husband is looking forward to that.
Hi! I am new to your blog and I think I am going to put it on my favorites! I like it! My mom’s name is Betty and I LOVE the apron, just think, I could pretend that I am her while doing housework! BTW–my favorite household chore is cleaning and making the house look pretty!
My favorite chore is anything in the kitchen. I love to cook and bake but I also enjoy cleaning the kitchen. It is so nice to have that room sparkle.
What a beautiful apron. My favorite house chore is baking bread. The aroma of fresh baked bread in our apartment makes me feel pure joy. 🙂 Is that even a chore?
I love all the picture but must say my favorite is the one of your daughter. Honestly, I just love it! My favorite chore is cooking/baking. I love cooking healthy from scratch for my family. Thank you for the lovely giveaway.
Being 9 weeks pregnant with #8- I’d rather just sleep to be completely honest…but I love the smell of clean, fresh sheets- so right now- washing and putting on the clean sheets is my fav. When I can coerce all the kids to help in the kitchen after dinner is a good one too. Thanks for the giveaway…hope your pregnancy is going well!
hmmmmmmmm, big tie for last place. but i’ll go with doing the wash. i like to do it mostly myself. i would love to see the family cookbook. after all my scouts, i am just now getting into yw’s. lots to learn.
I’d have to say washing dishes by hand is my favorite chore. I have an adorable oilcloth apron with a houndstooth print I wear when I do the dishes. Now if I could only find a cute apron to inspire other chores!
~Mrs. H
Wow – the apron is a beauty! My favorite chore is either laundry or the last clean-up of the night in the kitchen to leave it all clean for morning!
Such a wonderful apron! My favorite chore that’s not really a chore is preparing the house for my husband coming home from work. My toddler daughter and I turn on praise music, brush our hair and light candles so that the house is peaceful “when daddy gets home.” I love teaching her this important ‘skill.’
Mine has to be laundry. I love fresh warm towels out of the dryer, or sweet smelling sheets off the line. With 9 kids I am always doing laundry, but I dont mind. 🙂
Favorite Chore: Dishes!
My favorite is laundry. It fulfills the part of me that likes to have everything organized and done “just so,” and the part of me that loves the saying, “A place for everything, and everything in its place.”
I love, love, love cleaning the kitchen so I do it almost every single day. Top to bottom, fridge included. It’s probably the one chore I thoroughly enjoy doing. I think it must be because the kitchen is “my room”. 🙂
Love the apron post!
I like doing laundry! I love looking at my nice & clean folded piles.
My Favorite would have to be Vaccuuming…I love the back and forth motion, the way the carpet looks so clean afterwards, and mine has a scented fliter in it so it always smells of fresh rain afterwards!
My favorite household chore is dusting and cleaning the baseboards and walls. Add a touch of any oil essence to the wash water, and you will have a lovely smell in your home as well!
My favorite chore is watering my plants and, when the garden is in, watering it too. I also really like when the dishes are done and the kitchen is clean.
Ok call me crazy but I love the laundry especially in warm weather when I can use the clothesline! I even like it in the dead of winter when there are piles of coveralls! It was one thing that I actually finish everyday!
A favorite chore?? Who really likes chores:) The apron is adorable and who doesn’t want a cookbook.: I guess if I had to pick a favorite chore it would be when it is all done and you can look at it and see a job well done.:)
My favorite household chore to do is sweeping and moping because you can instantly see results and it is fun when you have music playing. You can instantly be transported to a dance floor and do your favorite dances with whom ever you want your broom to be. It is also fun to sweep things away from my 8 month old daughter. She thinks it is funny when I move the trash out of the way. Laughter is so wonderful to hear. So anytime I have the opportunity to hear it I do.