I loved reading all the Motherhood posts and Limericks in May. It’s nice to know there are so many who have the same joys and struggles I do! The randomly chosen Wordfull Wednesday participant for May is . . .
I had it all set up for a patriotic prize to kick start the summer but the joke’s on me . . . Julie lives in Canada! So instead she will be receiving this lovely notebook set from The Black Apple.
Aren’t those sweet? I have a daughter I know would love to carry these around. Julie also wins this print called Lost on the Midway.
I know Julie likes this artist as she talked about it on her blog last year: Art, Dreams, and Wonderful Reality.
Congrats Julie! E-mail me your address so I can double check it before getting the prizes sent.
Oops! I realized I didn’t announce a topic last week for Wordfull Wednesday (too much going on) so here’s the topic for next Wednesday, June 8:
Choose a letter of the alphabet. Pen a quick story about your typical summer day using as many words as you can that begin with your chosen letter. “A little alliteration lets the lesson linger longer!” (a line in a grammar poem from my eighth grade teacher)
© 2007-2011 Chocolate on my Cranium, LLC all rights reserved
Wonderful site. I would like to add you to one I just started if you approve.
I have put together a daily blog intended to be used as an additional study tool for you and your child. History, math, science, vocabulary, and geography are given every day many with a link to the document to study. I also have researched sources that I hope may be helpful to you as an aide for your child. The site is actually very child friendly in terms of use.
I ask you to visit it and see what it has to offer. The first post “The Furniture of the Human Mind” will explain the site and hopefully you will look around.
Thank You
Wow!! Thank you! I’m absolutely thrilled! 🙂 🙂
Did you have Mrs. H? I don’t remember, having moved in the middle of the year. I can still recite some of the Song of the Chattahoochee.
Bethany!!!! Yes I had Mrs. Humble! If you are who I think you are (maiden name starts with a D) I have been searching for you for years…trying to find you and see what you’ve been up to. PLEASE e-mail me at chocolateonmycranium {at} live {dot} com.